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Kelayakan untuk memahami bahasa Inggris. Pilihan saluran telepon membungkus y Ou ingin percakapan telephony dengan mentor. Course Jangka waktu 3 Jam Kelas diadakan secara online setiap hari Minggu sesuai dengan Waktu Timur EST di AS A. Segera setelah pendaftaran, Anda akan menerima email berisi instruksi lengkap tentang masuk ke ruang webinar online pada hari berikutnya. Tanggal kelas dan nomor telepon 1-800 untuk interaksi langsung dengan Pelatih Mentor kami. Apa itu Skuad. Peneliti bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari selisih antara harga penawaran dan permintaan, kadang-kadang dalam peran sebagai pembuat pasar atau spesialis Dengan membuat ratusan Perdagangan jangka pendek per hari, para pedagang ini dapat mengumpulkan keuntungan lebih besar dari waktu ke waktu meskipun keuntungan dari masing-masing perdagangan relatif rendah. Posisi juga hanya diadakan selama beberapa detik atau menit, yang membatasi risiko yang terkait dengan setiap perdagangan. Sering kali, penggunaan calit Membaca tape dalam rangka untuk waktu perdagangan mereka dan memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka Tape membaca melibatkan menggunakan data waktu dan penjualan untuk menentukan kapan dan di mana untuk menempatkan perdagangan Misalnya, seorang pedagang mungkin melihat b Kunci saham dibeli secara bertahap setiap hari dan kemudian memutuskan untuk membeli sebelum pembelian dan menjual ke pembelian untuk mewujudkan keuntungan kecil setiap waktu. Pastikan untuk juga membaca tentang Apa itu Swing Trading. Pelacur jangka panjang dapat menerapkan strategi yang berbeda. Dirancang untuk memanfaatkan kecenderungan teknis jangka pendek Misalnya, seorang trader mungkin selalu membeli saham karena menembus pola ascending triangle pada volume yang lebih tinggi dari rata-rata dan secara otomatis menjual setelah pergerakan 3 bergerak. Dinamika ini adalah kebalikan dari Biarkan keuntungan Anda menjalankan strategi, yang khas di antara pedagang teknis. Mengapa Scalping Appealing. Penarikan menarik bagi banyak pedagang karena pendekatannya yang mudah diterapkan di hampir semua lingkungan pasar. Karena peluang scalping bisa terjadi kapan saja, beberapa pedagang juga menemukan strategi ini. Berguna sebagai pelengkap gaya trading yang berbeda yang mereka gunakan lebih teratur. Misalnya, trader posisi dapat menggunakan strategi scalping selama c Hoppy menyamping pasar. Beberapa keuntungan utama untuk scalping include. Market Neutral Scalping tidak bergantung pada tren yang kuat atau gerakan arah, yang berarti bahwa pedagang bisa mendapatkan keuntungan di hampir semua lingkungan pasar dan menghindari menunggu di sela-sela. Limited Risk Scalping melibatkan pembelian dan penjualan selama Hari yang sama dan sering dalam hitungan detik atau menit yang membatasi risiko turunnya dari kejadian bencana yang terjadi dalam semalam. Pemain Beralih Lebih mudah menargetkan pergerakan harga kecil yang terjadi dengan frekuensi lebih besar daripada penyiapan perdagangan yang lebih besar, yang berarti bahwa keuntungan yang konsisten dapat diperoleh dari waktu ke waktu daripada Menunggu langkah yang jarang terjadi. Perdagangan Sederhana Strategi scalping pada umumnya sangat sederhana dan melibatkan peraturan khusus untuk masuk dan keluar, yang menghilangkan banyak keputusan subjektif dari proses perdagangan. Mekanisme Perdagangan Kulit Kepala. Seringkali membuat dari sepuluh sampai ratusan Dari perdagangan per hari dengan menggunakan berbagai alat yang berbeda yang dirancang untuk menemukan peluang tergantung pada pilihan mereka Rategy Scaler primer mungkin menggunakan broker akses langsung sambil melihat grafik satu menit, data harga dua tingkat, jumlah tampilan, dan data penjualan untuk seperangkat ekuitas pilihan mereka untuk menentukan titik masuk probabilitas tinggi. Pedagang menggunakan scalping sebagai Strategi tambahan dapat memutuskan untuk menggunakan strategi payung yang disebut untuk pertama-tama mengidentifikasi tren jangka panjang dan kemudian mencari perdagangan jangka pendek dalam arah yang sama dengan peluang scalping Misalnya, trader dapat memutuskan untuk hanya melakukan pembelian jangka pendek jika Rata bergerak jangka pendek adalah tren di atas rata-rata bergerak jangka panjang untuk ekuitas tertentu. Secara umum, calo dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai pembuat pasar yang mencoba memanfaatkan spread bid ask, pembeli massal yang membeli sejumlah besar saham dan Menjualnya untuk keuntungan pada pergerakan harga yang sangat kecil, dan calo teknis yang memasuki perdagangan berdasarkan sinyal teknis dan menutup posisi segera setelah sinyal keluar pertama dideteksi dengan rasio penghargaan 1 1. Anda akan mengirimkan konten yang sama mingguan. Strategi Mengimbangi Langkah demi Langkah. Dalam Artikel ini saya akan mengajarkan metode trading saya menggunakan strategi Scalping Bagi saya, saya tidak percaya Benar-benar bertransaksi dengan indikator Trend adalah teman Anda tapi saya berasumsi bahwa Scalping adalah Hanya satu strategi indikator yang dapat saya katakan kepada Anda bahwa Anda dapat membuat beberapa pips dengannya. Jika Anda ingin menghasilkan uang di pasar forex, Anda perlu membuka posisi dengan buy atau sell order dan begitu dekat sehingga posisi pada tujuan masa depan pada waktunya. , Sebagai akibatnya Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan atau kehilangan dana di akun Anda Jadi hal terpenting yang membuat perbedaan antara trader yang menguntungkan dan trader yang kehilangan uangnya adalah strategi forex-nya. Saya akan memberi anda contoh yang mudah. Kami kira anda menempatkan sell order yang sold out GBP USD di 1,2000 anda mengantisipasi bahwa harga akan turun dalam tindakannya harga turun saat anda mengantisipasi dan anda menutup posisi anda di 1.1960 anda akan menghasilkan 40 pips sebagai profit atau 400. Dolar dengan 1 ukuran lot penuh Dan 40 dollar dengan 1 ukuran lot mini tapi kalau harga naik maka anda akan rugi. Untuk menghindari kerugian ini pastikan membuat 15-25 pips untuk keamanan akun Jangan pernah trading tanpa stop loss order. Anda tidak akan menghasilkan uang tanpa latihan Banyak strategi dan kemudian memilih dan mengembangkan strategi Anda sendiri pada akhirnya bagi saya Saya telah berlatih strategi Scalping selama 4 bulan dengan akun virtuel sekarang saya membuat 20-40 pips kurang per hari dengan real account. L et kita belajar strategi scalping Langkah demi Langkah. Buka grafik Baru saat Anda melihat gambar dan memilih pasangan mata uang GBP USD. Anda memilih 5 menit sebagai Time Frame TF. Bagaimana Mendapatkan Penghasilan Bebas Pajak dari Perdagangan Forex DAN Klaim Semua Biaya Anda Dari Inggris Otoritas Pajak. WARNING Artikel ini mungkin membosankan. Artikel ini ditujukan untuk pedagang Valuta Asing Inggris yang ingin mengetahui bagaimana meminimalkan kewajiban pajak mereka dari perdagangan forex, dan atau 2 untuk mengetahui bagaimana mengajukan klaim dari otoritas pajak Inggris semua Biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam aktivitas perdagangan mereka - secara hukum. Sebelum saya lanjutkan, saya harus menekankan bahwa ini adalah informasi pajak Inggris secara umum dan tidak boleh dianggap sebagai saran pajak profesional Anda harus berkonsultasi dengan konsultan akuntan pribadi atau konsultan pajak Anda yang dapat memberi saran kepada Anda untuk mempertimbangkan semua keadaan khusus Anda sendiri. Informasi ini diberikan dengan itikad baik dan relevan menurut undang-undang perpajakan Inggris yang ada. Seperti yang diketahui oleh banyak pedagang Inggris, pajak penghasilan Inggris biasanya dibayarkan berdasarkan keuntungan perdagangan yang diperoleh dari pasar valuta asing setelah pengurangan kerugian dan biaya perdagangan yang relevan dan tunjangan pribadi yang berlaku. Biaya yang harus diijinkan harus seluruhnya dan eksklusif terjadi sebagai bagian dari aktivitas perdagangan Anda dan akan mencakup hal-hal seperti tunjangan untuk layar perdagangan dan komputer Anda, perawatan TI, biaya legal, biaya koneksi telepon dan broadband, FT, The Economist dan langganan dan majalah berkala lainnya, Dll. Namun, saat ini di bawah hukum pajak Inggris setiap keuntungan perdagangan dibuat dari pasar valuta asing Melalui kegiatan pertaruhan Inggris bebas pajak Terlebih lagi, pendapatan ini bahkan tidak harus diumumkan ke otoritas pajak, sama seperti kemenangan Anda dari taruhan kuda di pembuat buku lokal Anda Hal yang tidak menguntungkan tentang taruhan tersebar adalah bahwa Kerugian perdagangan forex dan ini adalah fakta bahwa sebagian besar spread-betters adalah pecundang tidak dapat dikurangkan dari pajak The whammy double spread-betting adalah bahwa biaya yang dikeluarkan sebagai akibat dari aktivitas perdagangan spread-bet biasanya tidak dapat dikurangkan. Bagaimana seseorang mengambil keuntungan dari peraturan saat ini. Jawaban sederhananya adalah berdagang dengan menggunakan perdagangan forex langsung dan perdagangan bertarget-spread Solusi nakal tapi legal adalah memastikan bahwa semua tunjangan pajak pribadi dan biaya terkait perdagangan valas ditutupi oleh keuntungan bersih. made using direct forex market trading activities so that the net tax liability is very low, or even zero Your accountant will probably advise that not 100 of expenses would be allowable since not a ll expenses have been incurred as part of direct forex trading activities, so bear this in mind Hopefully most of your mega forex gains made with the Lindencourt FX System will be made through your spread-betting account and will therefore be completely tax-free. So you can have your cake and eat it. Swing Trading Strategies intra-day using action-reaction by John Crane chart. Posted on Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 at 11 13 am. Most of my posts are about swing trading strategies using daily charts Therefore, I am often asked if the action-reaction method can also be used when daytrading Yes, it can This 3-minute chart, of the June Eurocurrency, offers a great example of action-reaction at work intra-day Between 7 48 a m and 7 54 a m MST on the morning of May 26, the June euro formed a 3-bar reaction swing following an A-B-C continuation pattern The 3-bar reaction swing triggered a sell signal at 1 2270 As soon as the sell signal was triggered, I was able to overlay the Andrews Pitchfork and d o the reverse forward count to make my time and price projections The forward count projected the future reversal bar for 9 33 a m with a target objective at 1 2202 Both time and price projections are marked on the chart with the red arrow marking the reversal bar and the up-sloping green line as the reaction line and target objective The euro dropped down to the down-sloping median line before undergoing a short-term 3-bar corrective bounce between 8 30 a m and 836 a m The market remained inside the pitchfork and turned lower after testing the upper parallel line The euro continued lower until it reached the reaction line green line at 930 a m trading to a low of 1 2195 before turning higher This low formed one price bar before the predicted 9 33 a m reversal bar and proved to be the low of the downward price swing.2015 Traders Network All Rights Reserved. Please read the following Disclaimer carefully By using the tradersnetwork website and or The Reversal Tracker software, you acknow ledge that you have read and understand this Disclaimer. This material has been prepared by a sales or trading employee or agent of Traders Network, LLC and is, or is in the nature of, a solicitation This material is not a research report prepared by Traders Network s Research Department By accepting this communication, you agree that you are an experienced user of the futures markets, capable of making independent trading decisions, and agree that you are not, and will not, rely solely on this communication in making trading decisions. DISTRIBUTION IN SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY BE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF THIS COMMUNICATION INDIRECTLY SHOULD INFORM THEMSELVES ABOUT AND OBSERVE ANY SUCH PROHIBITION OR RESTRICTIONS TO THE EXTENT THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION INDIRECTLY AND SOLICITATIONS ARE PROHIBITED IN YOUR JURISDICTION WITHOUT REGISTRATION, THE MARKET COMMENTARY IN THIS COMMUNICATION SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED A SOLICITATION. The risk of loss in tra ding futures and or options is substantial and each investor and or trader must consider whether this is a suitable investment Past performance, whether actual or indicated by simulated historical tests of strategies, is not indicative of future results Trading advice is based on information taken from trades and statistical services and other sources that Traders Network LLC believes are reliable We do not guarantee that such information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such Trading advice reflects our good faith judgment at a specific time and is subject to change without notice There is no guarantee that the advice we give will result in profitable trades. HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM. 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Using each of these day trading secrets involves reading and interpreting emini trade price movement charts together with multiple popular technical indicators The objective is to establish a high probability that the price of the E-mini is going to move at least x points in a given direction Based on this expectation the trader sets up a buy or sell order to enter a trade at a certain price, exit at another price for a gain, an d protects the trade with a stop loss order for instances where the wrong view is taken. A prerequisite for successfully using these techniques is that you study the history of the preceding trading days for the emini you are trading to establish the average daily range of prices The highs and lows and the distance between them on average will give you the parameters inside which you can potentially make a profit on a given move in prices. The Complete Day Trading Home Study Course Download Version discounted price. Trend Following Day Trading Technique. Use this strategy when the market is trending strongly in an up or down direction The day trading tip here is to recognize the strong breakout and place an order to buy or sell at a specific point and then place an order to close that position for a gain at a predetermined exit point The predetermined exit point is set at an acceptable profit target, but inside the probable range where the price will reach a high or low and start turning a gain This is takes the emotion out of the trade having set a mechanically executing exit point. Trend-Fading Day Trading Technique Use this strategy when the market has moved significantly beyond its normal range This is related to a concept called exhaustion which sometimes occurs when a security has been in high demand, resulting in bidding the price up repeatedly until the buyers are all fulfilled, followed by a sudden fall in price as buying ceases The underlying rule supporting the trend-fading concept is that prices tend to return to their mean, thus causing peaks to turn down and troughs to turn up Capitalizing on the trend-fading will seek to predict the moments when the price is turning back towards the mean and profit from a part of that move. Ping-Pong Strategy Use this strategy when the market is moving sideways When there is no strong price trend, the emini tends to trade in a narrow range, with a small price difference between the upper and lower limits The Ping-Pong techni que studies the range and uses the predictable move from down to up, and up to down scalping a small profit from each move. Several tested and proven strategies are taught in the The Day Trading Home Study Course. Typical indicators used to assist in interpreting the price action for all of these strategies are. LINES - Sloping lines drawn to join lows or highs thus indicating a trend up or down Horizontal lines drawn between common lows indicating support levels, and lines drawn between common highs indicating resistance levels. MACD a momentum indicator watch this for evidence of divergence Divergence is where the MACD indicator is showing a trend opposite to that of the actual price trend For example where the price is going up implying strong demand but the MACD shows a weakening of momentum, the trader can expect an imminent reversal of the upward trend Graphic from The Complete Guide to Day Trading Download it FREE. Moving Average Lines crossing this is basically the same as above and is often plotted on top of the MACD bar chart This uses two MA lines, one with a short frequency and one with a longer fre quency Where the one crosses the other usually indicates a change in the momentum direction Bollinger Bands these are indicators of upper and lower price bands, set on a basis of deviation from the moving average Using these bands it is possible to predict possible limits to price movements, and also to detect when a new trend is in the making as the Bollinger Band curves up or down, away from the established pattern Another telling characteristic of Bollinger Bands is a that a breakout in price movement is often preceded by a pinching of the bands closer together, indication an imminent breakout Graphic from The Complete Guide to Day Trading Download it FREE. Volume is the most common and dependable indicator because increases in volume imply excess-demand or excess-supply, which are the ingredients for sharper volatility, and an opportunity to gain from the price move. Directions on how to use trade E-minis successfully can be learned in detail, step by step from the Day trading E-mini Day Trading Home Study Course For more details on what the Home Study Course covers, check out our post Emini education Day Trading Class and Day Trading Seminars. Start Now FREE education. 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Disclaimer Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors Before deciding to trade foreig n exchange you should carefully consider your monetary objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your deposited funds and therefore you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent advisor if you have any doubts Past returns are not indicative of future results. HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS IS THAT THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK, AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK IN ACTUAL TRADING FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ALSO ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS PERFORMANCE POSTED BY SYSTEM PROVIDERS MAY HAVE HAD LITTLE OR NO EXPERIENCE IN TRADING ACTUAL ACCOUNTS FOR ITSELF OR FOR CUSTOMERS BECAUSE THERE ARE NO ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS TO COMPARE TO THE HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS CUSTOMERS SHOULD BE PARTICULARLY WARY OF PLACING UNDUE RELIANCE ON THESE HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS. 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Volatility breakout systems are based on the premise that if the market moves a certain percentage from a previous price level, the odds favor some continuation of the move This continuation might only last one day, or go just a little bit beyond the original entry price, but this is still enough of a profit to play for A trader must be sati sfied with whatever the market is willing to give. With a breakout system, a trade is always taken in the direction that the market is moving at the time It is usually entered via a buy or sell stop The bit of continuation that we are playing for is based on the principle that momentum tends to precede price There is also another principle of price behavior that is at work to create trading opportunities That is, the market tends to alternate between a period of equilibrium balance between the supply and demand forces and a state of disequilibrium This imbalance between supply and demand causes range expansion, the market seeking a new level , and this is what causes us to enter a trade. There are several ways to create short-term volatility breakout systems I have found that different types of systems based on range expansion test out quite similarly Therefore, whichever method you choose should be a matter for your own personal preference. In designing a system, one can choose to place an entry stop off either the opening price or the previous days closing price This entry stop can be a function of the previous days range or a percentage of the previous 2 10-day range, etc Mechanical exits can range from using a fixed objective level to using a time function such as the next days open or close Most of these systems function best when a very wide stop is used. Another way of trading the breakout mode is by using channel breakouts which is simply buying the highest high of the last seven days in the case of a 7-period channel or the highest high of the last 2 days in the case of a 2-period channel breakout In the case of an inside day breakout pattern where one buys the high or sells the low of the previous bar, a 1-period channel breakout is actually being used for the trigger The most famous long-term breakout system adapted by Richard Dennis for training the Turtles was the 4-week channel breakout originally designed by Richard Donchian Other breakout systems can be based on chart patterns i e Curtis Arnolds Pattern Probability System , trendline breaks, breakouts above or below a band or envelope of prices, or variations of simple range expansion functions. Training Benefits for the Novice Trader Derived from Trading a Volatility Breakout System. Trading a short-term breakout system can be one of the best exercises to improve your trading. First, it teaches you to do things that are hard to do buying high or selling low in a fast moving market For most people, this feels quite unnatural. Second, it always provides a defined money management stop once a trade is entered Not adhering to a defined money management stop is the most common cause of failure among traders. Third, it teaches a trader the importance of follow-through once a trade is entered, as most breakout systems perform best when the trade is held overnight. Last, it provides a great means for traders to improve their execution skills Most volatility breakout systems are fairly active compa red to a long-term trend following system A trader can gain skill in placing orders in a diverse number of markets Having a mechanically defined entry point is sometimes just the thing needed to overcome a traders fear of pulling the trigger The order is placed ahead of time and the market then automatically pulls the trader into a trade if the stop level is hit. Even if a person prefers to ultimately enter orders using discretion, trading a mechanical volatility breakout system can still be an invaluable exercise It should at least increase a traders awareness of certain types of price behavior in the marketplace, especially if one is conditioned to entering on counter-trend retracement patterns It cant but help impress upon one the power of a true trend day. Pros and Cons of Trading a Breakout System. Like most systems, volatility breakout systems will clean up in volatile or runaway markets but tend to thrash when conditions get choppy or volume dries up I believe they are still among the most profitable type of system to trade, and I also feel they will continue to be profitable in the long run They are durable and robust, though they tend to deteriorate when too large of an order is placed i e greater than 50 contracts However, so that you do not get the impression that there is a Holy Grail of systems, the following considerations should be kept in mind. Entries can be nerve-racking, especially when the market is in a runaway mode The best breakouts wont give you retracements to enter on You are either on board or you are not If you conceptualize that the best breakouts turn into trend days, and are most likely to close on the high or low for the day, then it is not so difficult to enter Usually it is best to have a buy sell stop already resting in the marketplace. Sometimes a market gaps open outside your initial entry level These often turn into the best trades They can also turn into the most aggravating whipsaws Big gaps test out that one should still take the trade, but they will definitely add more volatility to your bottom line If your trade gets stopped out and an new signal is given in the opposite direction, this reversing trade usually more than makes up for the first loss. Whipsaws are a drag but they are also inevitable when trading a breakout system Many times I have bought the highs and sold the lows It takes a great deal of confidence in the numbers to trade this type of system System testing should always be done for a minimum of 3 years, preferably 10 Be sure to then examine out of sample data to see how the system performed. On balance, a volatility breakout system can be traded on most all markets However, a market might be very profitable one year and yet perform mediocre at best the next A portfolio of 10 to 12 markets seems to work well The problem with trying to trade too many markets at once is that it can become quite difficult to keep up with the activity level if your parameters are fairly sensitive Many times in system s development, people overlook what one person can realistically manage. Enhancing a Basic Volatility Breakout System. Adding filters can sometimes create further enhancements Examples of types of filters include indicators to determine whether or not a market is in a trending condition, seasonality, days of the week, or degree of volatility contraction already present in the market Periods of low volatility in the market can be defined by a contraction in true range, a low ADX, or a statistical indicator such as a low historical volatility ratio or a low standard deviation. A system then might look something like this. Initial volatility condition true. Buy or Sell on a stop based on the current bars open, plus or minus a percentage of the previous days range. Initial Risk management stops once a trade is entered. Types of variables which can be used in a simple range expansion breakout system. Period is the breakout based on a function of the previous day or the previous 10-day period, for e xample. Range does it use the average range for that period or the largest, smallest, or total range. Percentage what percentage of the range is used It is possible, for example, to use 120 of the previous 3-days total range. Base is the range function added to the previous days close or the current days open This function may also be added to the high or low of the previous bar or a previous period such as the last 10 days. As a general rule of thumb, the greater the percentage factor used, the greater the percentage of winning trades will be However, the overall system may be less profitable because fewer trades are taken. Once again, an example of an initial condition might be Enter a trade only on a day following the narrowest range of the last 7 days Or, take a trade only if the market has made a new 20-day high or low within the last five trading days Whenever you add a filter to a system, be sure to compare the results to a baseline and examine the difference in activity level. Time b ased 2nd days close, 1st days opening. First profitable opening Larry Williams. Target or objective level 1 average true range, previous days high low. Trailing stop displaced moving average, parabolic, 2-day high low. Controllable Risk the amount of risk which can be predetermined and defined by a money management stop. Types of money management stops. fixed dollar amount. function of average true range. price level i e bar high low. Overnight exposure close to open risk You cannot exit a position when the market is not trading Thus, you are subject to adverse gaps, which can be exaggerated by news or events. Slippage risk Fast market conditions or thin, volatile markets often cause a trader to get filled at prices much worse than expected. In general, the numbers behind most systems are very dependent upon capturing a few good trades You cant afford to miss the one good trade that can make your month. Here are some tips for trading this or any other system. Gain confidence by first trading a syst em on paper. Make sure you can successfully trade a system mechanically before attempting to add any discretion. Track your actual performance against the mechanical system at the end of each day, rating your success by whether you can match the systems performance. Monitor performance over an adequate sample, perhaps 100 trades or a set number of weeks Do not let a down week or trade deter you. Manage the exits rather than filter the entries It is impossible to tell in advance which trades will be the good ones The one entry skipped might be the BIG ONE, and one cant afford to miss it Managing the exit means two things The first, learn when its okay to let that occasional great trade run an extra hour or two before getting out the second which really depends on ones skill level , learn to recognize a bit sooner when a trade is not working and exit just before the stop is hit. All systems display subtle nuances and insights into the markets behavior over time. Keep a notebook of your observa tions and patterns you notice In this way you truly make the system your own. Never be concerned about how many other people are trading systems If slippage seems excessive, it often suggests a significant breakout from a triangle or period of congestion Remember Something had to drive the market far enough to penetrate the breakout point in the first place. If you are interested in reading more on the principle of range expansion range contraction, Toby Crable pioneered some of the finest research in this area I would strongly recommend his book Day Trading with Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakouts The research in this book provides one of the most solid platforms for developing volatility breakout systems based off the opening price Toby is a CTA who now manages over 100 million dollars based on some of these techniques Another excellent value is Curtis Arnolds book, PPS Trading System He discloses a different type of system based on breakouts of traditional chart patt erns as identified in Edwards and Magees book Technical Analysis of Stock Trends another classic book which should be in every serious market technicians library Curtiss original system sold for over 2,000 The book is essentially the same thing and sells for less 50.Next-Generation Learning Content Strategies. By Chris Osborn, VP, Marketing, BizLibrary. You might call it a perfect storm Others might use a different term, but in the end, the term is immaterial We all have to deal with the broad social influences converging on our workplaces affecting employee learning and development In some respects, employee learning and development has never been more important given this current climate some commentators describe as VUCA, which means volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. For generations, employee training programs had a clear focus We helped employees improve skills to solve known problems But something foundational has changed In today s VUCA world, we need a different focus fo r employee development We need a different approach to employee development that enables employees to learn new skills and help our organizations become more agile and adaptable. A critical element of effective employee learning in such a world will be a next generation of learning content strategies Traditional approaches to learning content are perfectly suited to an environment where improving skills to solve known problems is the strategic objective But an analysis conducted by LinkedIn of some of the most in demand jobs reveals something that tells an interesting story. After looking at 259 million LinkedIn profiles, eight of the 10 job titles with the fastest growth since 2008 are. IOS Developer 142x growth. Android Developer 199x. Social Media Intern 174x. Data Scientist 30x. UI UX Designer 22x. Big Data Architect 3,360x. Cloud Services Specialist 17x. Digital Marketing Specialist 17x. The other two were both fitness related. So today s employee learning and development initiatives need to shift from preparing employees to solve known problems, to preparing employees to fill jobs that don t exist yet. How do we do that We start with content No learning or development can occur unless we deliver content to employees, but we have to rethink learning content if we are going to shift the strategic focus of employee development to reflect the broad influences of demographics, technology, behaviors, and future needs of both employees and the organization. Three Elements of a Next-Generation of Learning Content Strategy. Content Definition Let s start with a new definition of content Content can be anything that answers a question an employee might ask that can improve or influence performance. Curation Content needs a structure to be effective Curation is about providing context so the content employees need is usable, accessible, and can be applied in the moment of need. Delivery Employee performance cannot be improved without content, but the content must be delivered to employee s to be effective The delivery of content, therefore, must be a key part of any effective content strategy and must take into account how employees access information. A traditional approach to defining content would restrict content to learning objects generated by the organization, usually the Training or HR department, and delivered to employees via formal training, either a classroom or an online course Other content might be from third-party vendors such as online courses or seminars conducted by outside subject matter experts At the core of a traditional definition of content is the idea that content is what the organization deems it to be. That s fine, as far as it goes But learning professionals have known for quite some time that employees learn most of what they need to know to effectively perform their jobs informally or socially The 70-20-10 or 80-20 theories of social and informal learning long have dominated thought leadership in the industry, but traditional learning conte nt strategies did not adequately address this reality In fact, many traditional learning professionals tried to formalize informal learning. A far more effective approach is to simply accept reality Social and informal learning are real, and our employees already are engaged Additionally, employees already are accessing content on their own, when they need it, and on their own mobile devices, too To employees, it doesn t matter where useful content originates If it s useful, it s well, it s used To employees, learning content is anything that helps them in the moment of need This practical, real-world approach to learning content is exactly what we as learning professionals have to adopt, and we have to adapt our content strategies accordingly. This leads us directly to consider the second key element of the next generation of learning content strategies content curation If we accept that content can be anything, then we also have to accept that this definition creates risks and can be a little scary What if employees access content that is inaccurate or not vetted by subject matter experts This is why we have to have an effective strategic plan in place to organize content and provide a context for employees Guiding our employees to great content will become an important role for learning professionals in this evolving environment Curation of content, therefore, is crucial If content is king, context is queen. The third and final element of the next generation of content strategies is delivery Since we ve broadened the definition of content, and recognized that content is king and context is queen, it follows that we must have a platform to deliver this organized and collected content to employees What s happening in the market in this specific area is amazing The technology advances in social sharing and social media-inspired learning platforms and mobile delivery continue unabated As we see more and more employees using tablets and smart phones for work-related purp oses, it s important that our learning content strategies give employees something useful that delivers content straight to those devices Our employees are already there The real question we have to ask ourselves is, Why aren t we Mobile delivery of effectively organized content will be effective and important for the next generation of learning organizations, and will be central to the next generation of learning content strategies. Chris Osborn is the VP of Marketing and has served in that capacity for BizLibrary since August 2010 BizLibrary bizlibrary is an online learning solutions provider specializing is the delivery of high-impact online video and e-learning content, plus an award-winning learning platform. Spread Betting Strategies Moving Averages. For technical traders, one of the most commonly used indicators for both long - and short-term timeframes is the moving average Moving averages are easy to plot on spread betting charts and actually form the basis for many other commonl y used indicators Traders can give themselves an edge by watching this data in its purest form. Another benefit of using moving averages as part of a spread betting strategy is that the calculation used to plot these lines lacks subjectivity This provides a stark contrast to chart patterns, which are almost totally subjective and will show subtle differences from trader to trader Even when computer software is used to plot chart patterns, the results can be mixed because the criteria for the software application will still need to be defined by individual traders and there will always be some level of disagreement. This, however, is not the case with moving averages because of the nature of the individual calculations More specifically, a moving average will add all of the price values taken over a given time period and then divide the total by the number of intervals For example, a 100-day moving average will add the price values of the 100 previous days, and then divide that total by 1 00 This divided value is then plotted on your chart and forms a sloped line against the actual price activity. Applying moving averages in your spread betting strategy. Next we need to identify specific spread betting strategies using moving averages Many probably most traders will use a combination of two or three moving averages to generate trading signals for position entries One situation occurs when a shorter-term moving average crosses above or below a longer-term moving average For example, if a 100-day moving average moves above the 200-day moving average, this would be an indication of bullish momentum, and you could establish a buy position The reverse, of course, would be true if the 100-day moving average crosses below the 200-day moving average. A similar spread betting strategy can be used when the price activity itself crosses above or below these averages Prices moving above the 100-day moving average would generate a buy signal Prices moving below the 100-day moving avera ge would generate a sell signal We can see that this strategy is very different from analysing chart patterns because these price breaks are essentially objective and will not be interpreted differently by individual spread betting traders. Use the strategy as you want. Introduction to Warrants. Warrants are traded via exchanges, and can be traded both short and long termparison Between Warrants and Options. Warrants are traded in the same manner as options, and use many of the same terms e g strike price, etc However, there are a couple of differences that need to be taken into account when trading warrants. Like options, warrants give the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the underlying market, at any time up to the expiration US style warrants , or at the expiration European style warrants. Warrants are either call warrants or put warrants depending upon the direction of the underlying trade, and warrants are in profit or loss depending upon the underlying markets pric e in relation to the strike price. Unlike options, warrants are issued by securities companies e g brokerages, banks, etc , and can have differing contract specifications from one warrant to another such as the expiration date Warrants tend to have lower premiums, and therefore have higher leverage than options. Continue Reading Below. Warrant multipliers are also used slightly differently than options multipliers, and also from one type of warrant to another. Individual stock warrants give the warrant holder the right to buy or sell the underlying stock The amount of stock that is bought or sold is determined by the warrants multiplier For example, a stock warrant with a multiplier of 1 would entitle the holder to one share for each warrant, but a warrant with a multiplier of 0 01 would require one hundred warrants for one share. In order to determine how many warrants are required for a particular trade, the trader must divide the number of shares that they want to trade by the warrants m ultiplier For example, a trader that wanted to buy one hundred shares using warrants with a multiplier of 0 1 would need to buy one thousand call warrants calculated as 100 0 1 1000.Stock warrants are usually physically settled, meaning that the warrants are exchanged for the underlying stock when they expire. Stock Index Warrants. Stock index warrants give the warrant holder the right to buy or sell the underlying stock index However, as this is impossible stock indices cannot be traded directly , stock index warrants are settled in cash The amount of cash that is settled is determined by the warrants multiplier For example, a stock index warrant with a multiplier of 1 would entitle the holder to 1 or , or etc per stock index point above or below the strike price. In order to determine how many warrants are required for a particular trade, the trade must divide the point value that they want to trade by the warrants multiplier For example, a trader that wanted to trade the FTSE 100 with a point value of 10 using warrants with a multiplier of 0 01, would need to trade one thousand warrants calculated as 10 0 01 1000.The contract specifications for warrants are similar to the contract specifications for options, but some of the specifications can vary from one warrant to another even with the same underlying market The expiration date and the multiplier are the most likely to vary, but there may also be minimum trading sizes e g a minimum of 100 warrants. When warrants are traded short term e g day and swing trading , a trade is entered by buying either a call or a put, and then exited by selling the same call or put The profit or loss of a short term trade is the difference between the buying and selling price of the warrant multiplied by the number of warrants that were traded. When warrants are traded long term i e position trading , a trade is entered by buying either a call or a put, and then exited by exercising the warrant at any time for US style warrants, and whe n the warrant expires for European style warrants The profit or loss of a long term trade is the difference between the warrants strike price and the underlying markets price multiplied by the number of shares for stock warrants or the point value for stock index warrants. November 11-12 2013.Apply to present. The Forex Magnates Elevator Pitch is the peak of the Forex Magnates London Summit Following last year s success get a glimpse here , this year s event is geared up to host a leading group of innovative and ground breaking companies The competition includes a 3 minute pitch on stage, with an audience containing a huge roster of the industry s leading senior management, as well as coveted banks, investment groups and venture capital funds as well as online and tv media coverage An award for the winner will be presented immediately after the competition ends and as always - drawing a curious crowd As much as your product is an attraction - presentation skills are a huge advantage, so be prepared for a fast-paced, exciting and different pitch session like you ve never seen before. If you think your product should be on stage, and if you re able to burn the stage with an exciting presentation, we want you there. This strategy seeks to profit from the pricing of the embedded option in a convertible bond Often used is a long, convertible position with a corresponding short position in the underlying stock Varying degrees of leveraged are employed with this strategy. This strategy invests in illiquid debt and or equity of firms in or near bankruptcy in order to profit from a potential recovery Generally, no leverage is used. Investment in securities by businesses and or countries with developing economies is used in this strategy Some emerging market countries include Brazil, China, India, and Russia The major emerging market areas are Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim Various asset classes with different strategies are used. Market neutral strategies used are primarily arbitrage or hedging Both strategies aim at returns with low or no correlation to stocks. Arbitrage may be divided into merger arbitrage, relative value arbitrage, convertible arbitrage, fixed income arbitrage, and capital structure arbitrage Arbitrage strategies attempt to take advantage of price discrepancies between paired securities. Hedging involves investing in securities, both long and short, with the goal of low net market exposure Long positions that are undervalued and short positions that are overvalued are selected In theory, this mitigates market volatility. Market timing strategies switch among various asset classes to time price movements in different markets Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and money market funds are some of the asset classes used. Futures are financial contracts for buying or selling a financial or physical commodity e g currencies, stock indexes, heating oil at a future date Long and short futures contracts can act to hedge aspects of many fund portfolios High levels of leverage are often involved in futures. Hedge Long Short Long and short equity securities positions are taken in this strategy The overall portfolio may have either a long or a short bias Equity hedge long short relies on superior stock selection Typically, a low degree of leverage is used This strategy is one of the most popular in terms of the number of hedge funds and amount of money under management. This strategy aims to profit from price imbalances resulting from a specific event or transaction - for example, merger, hostile takeover, or leveraged buyout. An opportunistic, top-down approach is implemented by managers using this macroeconomic strategy Trades are based upon major changes in the global economy, including interest rates and currencies, as well as changes in the economic policies of specific countries Macro strategies use moderate amounts of leverage. The fund invests in other hedge funds rather than directly in stocks, bonds, or other secur ities Hedge funds utilized may be of similar strategies, such as equity hedge long short or the hedge funds employed may have different strategies Generally, funds of funds are less volatile than single manager funds. Barclay Trading Group, Ltd. Hedge Fund Research, Inc. Capital Management Partners, Inc.1100 North Fourth Street. Hedge funds invested in Special Purpose Acquisition Company SPAC typically have the mindset of voting against any transaction unless it s done at very attractive or below market terms After a SPAC signs a deal with the seller, it will approach its investors That often means issuing options to investors to cover their expenses evaluating the deal. Deal terms are often improved in shareholder s favor during this period. There is another way to improve economics on a deal - take out a share of the SPAC s management s equity Management teams typically put up 3-5 of the initial offering, and then get 15-20 equity stake - called the promote Hedge funds would have no issues asking the management team to give up half of the promote in exchange for approving the deal. If the deal cannot be improved any further, and there are still a few holdouts then the last resort option is to buy-out the NO votes SPAC would issue new equity to an existing holder to use it to repurchase investors who are voting no. Printer Friendly Version. Email this to a friend. Hedge Fund Styles. Here is a brief description of the most common hedge fund styles as provided by various Internet hedge fund performance reporting websites This list is not exhaustive as many hedge fund providers slice and dice the various funds in different ways when describing them In addition, new hedge funds are being developed all the time that expand the universe of valid style descriptions. Also known as the Special Situation or Special Opportunity strategy, this style seeks to capitalize on events that are expected to impact the price of a specific stock over a short period of time These events include corp orate restructurings, stock buybacks, bond upgrades, expected earnings surprises, et This style may also include sub-styles such as Distressed Securities and Risk Merger Arbitrage For Distressed Securities, the event is usually an impending reorganization or bankruptcy In a Risk Arbitrage sub-style, the manager, generally speaking, simultaneously buys stock in a company being acquired and sells short the stock of the acquirer As with any strategy that is based upon an expectation, an Event-Driven hedge fund can post significant losses if the actual outcome is different than that predicted by the funds manager. Fund of Funds. Just as the name implies, this is a hedge fund that invests in other hedge funds Diversification can be across styles by including funds with different strategies, or can be within a single strategy but spread among various hedge funds employing that strategy The advantage of the Fund of Funds is that it can allow investors access to highly successful managers whose minimums are too large for the individual investor to reach However, a disadvantage is that there is an extra layer of fees added on for the Fund of Funds manager over and above the management fees charged by the selected fund managers. As the name implies, this style involves investments in equities of many different countries Various sub-styles also exist for this category One sub-category is the International style, where primarily non-US securities are purchased based on global economic conditions Another sub-style is the Emerging Market fund, where investments are made in developing countries with less mature financial markets A final Global sub-style is the Regional Established fund, which focuses on opportunities in established markets, such as Europe or Japan. This is a style that is very near that of many mutual funds, in that it seeks to buy and hold securities hoping to take advantage of growth in their price The use of leverage makes this style more risky, so some practitione rs call this the Aggressive Growth style Stocks may be selected for this style based on fundamental analysis of the companys business, or through a technical analysis of the stocks price movements, or both As a practical matter, Long-Only funds may use short sales as a hedging technique from time to time. This is the classic opportunistic type of hedge fund made famous by such investors as George Soros Rather than seeking to profit from a move in a particular corporate security, the Macro short for macroeconomic style seeks to profit from shifts in global economic trends For example, this type of fund may be long or short in various international stock indexes and currencies, and at the same time attempting to take advantage of changes in the relative economic climates among countries The Macro style uses derivatives and leverage extensively, so the risk can be high if the markets perform differently than expected. This type of fund invests in listed financial and commodity futures marke ts and currency markets around the world While this type of fund is listed by some sources as a hedge fund strategy, I believe that there is a sufficient structural difference in these funds to merit their own category under Alternative Investments Therefore, this type of fund will be discussed in greater detail later on in my Alternative Investments series. This type of hedge fund tries to predict when to be in and out of the markets, switching among stocks, bonds, and cash, depending upon the current market environment and economic climate. Market Neutral. As I discussed briefly above, this is the classic form of the hedge fund, though variations of this theme have been created in the years since 1949 The goal of all truly Market Neutral hedge funds is to minimize the market risk inherent in securities by using short sales I say truly because there have been plenty of so-called market neutral hedge funds which were anything but neutral in the recent bear market In a Long Short strategy, the net exposure to the market is balanced by allocating equally to long and short positions, although this can vary from fund to fund There are also various Arbitrage strategies such as Convertible Arbitrage Risk Merger Arbitrage and Fixed Income Arbitrage In these strategies, the manager seeks to take advantage of temporary pricing inefficiencies in the market by trading a portfolio of carefully selected long and short positions As mentioned above, the Risk Merger Arbitrage style can also be classified as an Event-Driven strategy. As the name implies, this style describes a hedge fund whose manager uses various strategies and asset classes, depending upon current market conditions This provides the manager with complete flexibility, but also requires him to be a jack of all trades This style is similar, but not identical to the Several Strategies style, in which the manager employs various predetermined strategies to diversify his approach to the market The various strategies are emp loyed simultaneously in the fund, but allocations to each of the various styles can vary over time. In addition to the other strategies employed by hedge fund managers, some employ these strategies only within a defined sector of the market For example, a hedge fund may focus on financial services, or healthcare, or media communications or technology sectors of the market to the exclusion of all others. This style is the opposite of the Long-Only style, in that it only shorts the stocks of companies the manager feels are overvalued and ripe for a downward correction As with the Long-Only strategy, many funds are biased toward short positions, but may also hold long positions in some securities at times. This is a primarily equity-based style in which the manager seeks to find stocks that are undervalued based on the intrinsic worth of the business As a hedge, the manager may also take short positions in companies he feels are overvalued. Ten Strategies Hedge Funds Use to Make Huge Returns, and You Can Too. One of the main reasons that the ultra rich have become so enamored with the hedge fund industry over the years is their go anywhere, do anything approach to investing Hedge funds are not regulated in the same way that mutual funds, exchange trade funds ETFs and unit trusts are While they do make periodic filings of holdings, hedge funds within the United States are also subject to regulatory, reporting and record-keeping requirements Transparency is often avoided, as they do not want copycat trades or their strategies being used One thing is for sure, hedge funds have been known to use every legal and some not so legal trick in the book to generate alpha and outsized returns for their investors. The larger the return, often the bigger the fees We recently wrote about how the existing and changing hedge fund fee structures, the 2 management fee and 20 of performance is becoming a thing of the past Here are 10 of the top strategies used by hedge funds to generate returns for their clients.1 Leverage, or borrowed money, is more of a tactic than a strategy The use of leverage has been one of the best and worst tactics employed by hedge funds over the past 20 years When done right, and used in a reasonable manner, strong trading or investment returns are increased by the extra money that is put to work When done wrong, leverage can exacerbate a sell-off as the hedge fund receives margin calls and is forced to sell positions to meet them Some hedge funds have used leverage as high or higher than 100 to one In other words, for every dollar they manage, they borrow 100 That can be dangerous if the market turns against you, regardless of the asset class.2 Long Only is a strategy in which a hedge fund owns long positions in stocks and or other assets, basically looking for alpha to the upside to outperform their benchmarks If the SP 500 is a funds benchmark and is up 10 , and the hedge fund is up 15 , the extra 5 between the two is the alpha generated by the portfolio manager.3 Short Only is a very difficult strategy in which the hedge fund only sells stock short Portfolio managers running short only portfolios have been absolutely crushed over the past couple of years as the rising market tide has lifted most boats There have been solid fundamental shorts where the story had dramatically changed BlackBerry Ltd NASDAQ BBRY was a perfect example Once the undisputed leader in cell phones for business, the smartphone revolution crushed the demand, and the company is now seeking a buyer.4 Long Short is a strategy where the hedge fund is long or owns stock and also sells stock short In many cases the trades are called a pair-trade This is a trade where the fund matches stocks in the same sector For instance they would be long a semiconductor stock like Intel Corp NASDAQ INTC and short NVIDIA Corp NASDAQ NVDA This gives the hedge fund sector exposure on both sides of the trade A typical hedge fund exposure would be 70 long and 30 short for a net equity exposure of 40 70 30.5 Market Neutral is a strategy accomplished in two ways If there are equal amounts of investment in both long and short positions, the net exposure of the fund would be zero For example, if 50 of funds were invested long and 50 were invested short, the net exposure would be 0 and the gross exposure would be 100 The perfect market for this strategy is a grinding, sideways, trading market Huge moves up or down would tend to negate the other side.6 Relative Value Arbitrage is often a strategy used at hedge funds that trade debt A portfolio manager would buy two bonds with the same maturity and credit quality, but a different coupon, say one 5 and one 7 The 7 bond should trade at a premium to par while the 5 bond stays at or below par with the lower coupon The trade is selling the premium bond at say 1,050 and buying the par bond at 1,000 or less Ultimately the premium bond will mature at par as will the lower coupon bond The manager factors in the 2 coverage i n the coupon difference against the gain on the short of the premium bond.7 Equity Arbitrage funds typically look for takeovers, especially ones that are done with stock or stock and cash Recently Verizon Communications Inc NYSE VZ announced it was buying the remaining share of Verizon Wireless from Vodafone Group PLC NASDAQ VOD While there is a large amount of cash and debt involved for Verizon, there is also 609 billion in stock in the deal The portfolio manager would short the Verizon stock and go long or buy the Vodafone stock The thought is that the acquirer will trade down and the acquisition target trades up.8 Distressed Debt is a unique area that is a narrow and complex sector This strategy involves purchasing bonds that have lost a considerable amount of their value because of the companys financial instability or investor expectations that the company is in dire straits In other cases, a company may be coming out of bankruptcy and a hedge fund would be buying the low-priced b onds if their evaluation deems that the companys situation will improve enough to make their bonds more valuable The strategy can be very risky as many companies do not improve their situation, but at the same time, the securities are trading at such discounted values that the risk-adjusted returns can be very attractive Often the hedge funds will become involved with actually running the companies.9 Event-Driven funds strictly look for any item that can move the market up and down Many have computer programs that constantly scan world headlines looking for even five seconds of lead time A perfect example was on Friday Despite a less than stellar jobs number, the market opened up Within 15 minutes headlines were crossing that said Russian President Vladimir Putin would help the Syrian government if strikes were launched Immediately the market dropped more than 140 points on the headline If a fund quickly has that data and can short the SP 500 seconds in front of the news, it can make b ig money Often event-driven hedge funds are more big picture, like the ongoing Syrian situation and companies that may do business there or in the region.10 Quantitative hedge fund managers often employ computer programmers who comb the statistical models and data looking to find alpha that hide behind market abnormalities This can be exploited by super high-frequency trading programs that can buy and sell thousands of stocks or futures in an instant Unfortunately, quant computer programs do not always anticipate market commentary Some funds lost big back in the May to June bond market rout that was instigated by commentary by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke AHL, the 16 4 billion flagship fund of Man Group, the world s second-largest hedge fund by assets, lost more than 11 of its net asset value in two weeks alone during that sell-off as a result of its huge bond holdings, according to media reports. Hedge fund investing, long the financial playground for the rich may become more obtainable for investors Wall Street firms are putting hedge fund type product together that is being sold in mutual fund type packaging Every properly allocated portfolio should, if possible, have some capital carved out for alternative investments like hedge funds. How to Plan a Staff Training Program. A well-trained staff is an essential key to optimal performance for any business or organization, notes Inc Magazine Studies have shown that the most successful, productive employees are those who have received extensive training, reports Dun Bradstreet Therefore, planning and implementing an effective training program should be an essential goal for every organization But in order to be successful, it must be well-planned and well-executed For optimal results, adhere to a few strict guidelines, advises Inc. Other People Are Reading. Develop a strategic plan carefully aligned with the organizations long-term business goals, says Inc Key components, Inc adds, should include a training plan overview with practical checklists, a motivational element to foster enthusiastic participation, a formal process of implementation, and employee assessments and certificates-of-completion at the end of the program. Analyze your training needs Determine the type of training your staff needs and why For example, you might create a customer service training program to address poor performance by that department Or you might design one aimed at educating your sales force about a new product or service before it hits the market Inc provides a free training analysis tool that helps you outline objectives, determine the types of training youll deliver and manage expectations see Resources. Develop a budget For example, you might decide to retain an outside training firm to help you design and implement your program That will be more expensive than doing everything in-house, but in general it will deliver a more professional program based on specific expertise and experience But even if you do the program in-house, there will be costs such as employee and management time, materials and other resources. Decide who will run the program If possible, advises Inc appoint a training manager to oversee the current program and all future initiatives Make that person responsible for the development of a training strategy and implementation plan based on the organizations business objectives. Get management on board, counsels DB Although bottom-up enthusiasm from employees is important, so is top-down buy-in from management, notes Inc Once the training program has been developed, present it to management and get their formal approval including written approval of the budget. Start small, recommends DB Before deploying a full-scale program, across the entire organization or even an entire department, rehearse with a small group of employees so everyone is comfortable with the process and expected outcome Use preliminary benchmarking to identify shortcomings in the process and fix them bef ore formally launching the initiative. Measure results Without measurable results, its almost impossible to view training as anything but an expense, says DB Determine exactly how you will assess and quantify the return on a training investment For example, it might be improved customer service scores It could also be an improved closing ratio for field salespeople The key, notes DB, is to show real, tangible results Thats the only way a commitment to training can be maintained. Trading Strategy Questions FAQ. Show All Answers Hide All Answers. Can your strategies be used in an IRA account. Yes, all the portfolios we maintain may be traded in an IRA account through many brokers. Do your portfolios trade on margin. No The portfolios we maintain do not require the use of margin. What is the minimum amount required to trade. If you plan to mirror one of our portfolios or sign up for Auto-Trade with thinkorswim , the minimum amount varies between 2000 and 10,000 depending on which portfolio you cho ose and its current value. Under what type of market conditions do your strategies work. The majority of our portfolios are designed to make a profit in a flat or up market. Do your strategies make money in down markets. One of our portfolios, the 10K Bear was set up to provide protection in case of a lower market It is designed to make money in a flat or down market The other portfolios are designed to make money when the market stays flat or moves up slightly. Do you have a strategy that allows for monthly profit-taking. Cash withdrawals will be made from most portfolios in increments of 3 of starting portfolio value For example, for a portfolio with a starting value of 10,000, on the Monday following each monthly expiration, 300 will be taken out of the account if the account balance is over 10,300 If a gain of over 600 is made in a month and the portfolio balance is over 10,600, 600 will be removed that month The goal is to remove 3600 from the account over the course of a year and conti nue to maintain the 10,000 starting value. Where can I find a listing of your current positions. The latest positions for each portfolio are reported each week in the Saturday Report which may be found on our Insiders page. Will I receive notifications when you place trades in your portfolios. Our Basic and Premium members receive notification of all trades made in any of our current portfolios at the end of the day Premium members also may opt to receive real time alerts for the portfolio s of their choice. How many trade do you place each week month. This varies based on the portfolio, the movement of the underlying stock index, and the time of the month Most trades are made during expiration week, though trades are also placed whenever they are called for by our trading and adjustment rules. Do you use puts or calls in your portfolios. We use both puts and calls in our portfolios Some portfolios are set up to use either puts or calls exclusively, while others involve the use of both puts an d calls. How risky are your strategies. Options are leveraged investments and involve a higher degree of risk than most conventional investments otherwise, the high returns that we have enjoyed would not be possible However, since all of our strategies involve being both long and short options concurrently, we have some protection against the market moving in either direction, and since our long positions always have a longer life span than our short options, there will always be a residual value in our portfolios no matter what the market does i e it is not possible to lose the entire amount invested as long as you are mirroring one of the Terry s Tips portfolios. How do you manage risk. 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Investing for beginners starts with an understanding that every price is determined by supply and demand At Online Trading Academy, we identify points where supply and demand are out of balance, because that is when price is going to move If there are more willing buyers than sellers the price will go up If there are more willing sellers, the price goes down It really is that simple and the same principle applies whether you are buying and selling stocks, bonds, real estate, options, currency pairs, commodities or another asset. On the Online Trading Academy website you ll find many articles and tools about investments and investing for beginners Read and use them to learn about the markets for these various assets It s a good idea to practice before you actually i nvest your own money Learn the basics of reading charts and other indicators, then pick an index or asset class or even an individual stock and follow it for a few hours, days or weeks See if you ve guessed right about where it is going to go or if not, why not. The first rule of investing for beginners is to have a trading plan Decide what you want to trade, your tolerance for risk, your profit goals, and how much time you can devote to following your investments every day or week or month The idea of day trading is exciting, for example, but it s impractical if you can t actually spend hours at the computer every day Be realistic about your own goals and limitations. 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Aware that making 500 index popular futures and it Worlds largest financial information about Me know about 500 lots 100,000 usd 99,500 Nyse, usd 99,500 offers a Brokers will receive usd a winner 000 usd 650,500 with lot step dailymotion binary why easy-forex brings 000 usd margin forex structure applies Billion traded daily 4 trillion 100 million 300 million 1 1 up to do any goes up to 150 corta pero 100,000 dollars offers a revolutionary. from the Comfort of your Home. Are you a Beginner investor trader who wants to know How Where to Start with Trading If you want to know When to Buy When to Sell - then this is just the Right Online Course for you. We have partnered with the best online trading course provider InTheMoneyStocks to bring you a Powerful Easy Online Trading Course for Beginners. No prior knowledge of the market or trading needed. Good computer internet connection. Ability to understand English. Optional a phone-line incase you want a telephony conversation with the mentor. Course Duration 3 Hours Classes held online every Sunday as per the EST Eastern Time of U S A. Soon after registration, you will receive an email with complete instructions about entering into the online webinar room at the next class date time and a 1-800 phone number for live interaction with our Mentor Trainer. What Is Scalping. Scalpers aim to profit from the difference between the bid and ask prices, sometimes in the role of a market maker or specialist By making hundreds of shor t-term trades per day, these traders can accumulate larger profits over time even though the profit from each trade is relatively low The positions are also only held for seconds or minutes, which limits the risk associated with each trade. Often times, scalpers use tape reading in order to time their trades and maximize their profits Tape reading involves using time and sales data to determine when and where to place trades For example, a trader might notice blocks of stock being purchased in increments every day and then decide to buy ahead of the purchase and sell into the purchase to realize a small profit each time. Be sure to also read about What is Swing Trading. Longer-term scalpers may implement different strategies designed to take advantage of short-term technical tendencies For example, a trader might always buy a stock as it breaks out from an ascending triangle pattern on higher-than-average volume and automatically sell after a 3 move higher These dynamics are the opposite of let your profits run strategies, which are typical among technical traders. Why Is Scalping Appealing. Scalping is appealing to many traders due to its straightforward approach that applies in nearly any market environment Since scalping opportunities may come about anytime, some traders also find these strategies useful as a supplement to a different trading style that they use more regularly For example, position traders may use scalping strategies during choppy sideways markets. Some key advantages to scalping include. Market Neutral Scalping doesn t rely on strong trends or directional movements, which means that traders can profit in nearly any market environment and avoid waiting on the sidelines. Limited Risk Scalping involves buying and selling during the same day and often within seconds or minutes which limits downside risk from catastrophic events that occur overnight. Easier Moves Scalpers target small price movements that occur with a greater frequency than larger trade setup s, which means that consistent profits can be earned over time rather than waiting for a rare move. Simple Trades Scalping strategies are generally very simple and involve specific rules for entry and exit, which removes a lot of the subjective decision-making from the trading process. Mechanics of the Scalp Trade. Scalpers make from ten to hundreds of trades per day using a variety of different tools designed to spot opportunities depending on their preferred strategy A primary scalper probably uses a direct access broker while looking at one-minute charts, level two quotes, total view, and time sales data for their preferred set of equities in order to determine high-probability entry points. A trader using scalping as a supplemental strategy may decide to utilize a so-called umbrella strategy to first identify long-term trends and then look for shorter-term trades in the same direction as scalping opportunities For example, a trader may decide to only make short-term buys if a short-ter m moving average is trending above a long-term moving average for a given equity. In general, scalpers can be classified as market makers that try to capitalize on the bid ask spread, bulk buyers that purchase a large number of shares and sell them for a gain on very small price movements, and technical scalpers that enter a trade based on a technical signal and close the position as soon as the first exit signal is detected with a 1 1 risk reward ratio. Risks we ll send you similar content weekly. Scalping strategy Step by Step. In this Article I will teach you my methode of trading using Scalping strategy For me I don t believe Really on trading with indicators Trend is your friend but I assume that Scalping is the only one indicator strategy I can tell you you can make some pips with it. If you wanna make cash within the forex market you d need to open a position with either a buy or a sell order and so close that position at future purpose in time, as a result you will make a profit or a loss of funds in your account So the most important thing that make difference between a profitable trader and a trader who loss his money it s his forex strategy. OK I will give you an easy example we suppose you place a sell order solding the GBP USD at 1,2000 you anticipate that the price will decline in his action the price decline as you anticipate and you close your position at 1,1960 you will make 40 pips as a profit or 400 dollars with 1 Full lot size and 40 dollars with 1 mini lot size but if the price rises then you will make a loss To avoid this loss be sure to make 15-25 pips for account security Never ever trade without Stop loss order. You will not making money without practise a lot of strategies and then choose and develop your own strategy at the end for me I have practise Scalping strategy for 4 months with a virtuel account now I make 20-40 pips at less per Day with real account. L et us learn the scalping strategy Step by Step. Open a New chart as you look at the imag e and choose GBP USD currency pair. You choose 5 minutes as a Time Frame TF. How To Earn A Tax-Free Income From Forex Trading AND Claim All Your Expenses From The UK Tax Authorities. WARNING This article might be boring. This article is aimed at UK Foreign Exchange traders who want to 1 know how to minimize their tax liabilities from forex trading, and or 2 to know how to claim back from the UK tax authorities all the expenses incurred in their trading activities - legally. Before I go on, I must stress that this is general UK tax information and must not be construed as professional tax advice You should consult your personal accountant or tax consultant who can advise you personally having taking into account all your own particular circumstances This information is given in good faith and is relevant under existing UK tax legislation. As many UK traders know, UK income tax is normally payable on trading profits made from the foreign exchange market after relevant deduction of trading loss es and expenses and any applicable personal allowances Expenses allowable must be wholly and exclusively incurred as part of your trading activities and will include things like allowances for your trading screens and computers, IT maintenance, legal costs, telephone and broadband connection costs, FT, The Economist and other relevant subscriptions and periodicals, etc. However, currently under UK tax law any trading gains made from the foreign exchange markets through UK spread-betting activities are tax-free What is more, this income does not even have to be declared to the tax authorities, just like your winnings from betting on the horses at your local Bookmaker The unfortunate thing about spread-betting is that forex trading losses and it s a fact that the vast majority of spread-betters are losers are not deductible from tax The double-whammy of spread-betting is that expenses incurred as a result of spread-bet trading activities are not usually deductible either. So how does one t ake advantage of these current rules. The simple answer is to trade using both direct forex trading and spread-bet trading The cheeky but legal solution is to ensure that all personal tax allowances and associated expenses of forex trading are covered by net profits made using direct forex market trading activities so that the net tax liability is very low, or even zero Your accountant will probably advise that not 100 of expenses would be allowable since not all expenses have been incurred as part of direct forex trading activities, so bear this in mind Hopefully most of your mega forex gains made with the Lindencourt FX System will be made through your spread-betting account and will therefore be completely tax-free. So you can have your cake and eat it. Swing Trading Strategies intra-day using action-reaction by John Crane chart. Posted on Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 at 11 13 am. Most of my posts are about swing trading strategies using daily charts Therefore, I am often asked if the actio n-reaction method can also be used when daytrading Yes, it can This 3-minute chart, of the June Eurocurrency, offers a great example of action-reaction at work intra-day Between 7 48 a m and 7 54 a m MST on the morning of May 26, the June euro formed a 3-bar reaction swing following an A-B-C continuation pattern The 3-bar reaction swing triggered a sell signal at 1 2270 As soon as the sell signal was triggered, I was able to overlay the Andrews Pitchfork and do the reverse forward count to make my time and price projections The forward count projected the future reversal bar for 9 33 a m with a target objective at 1 2202 Both time and price projections are marked on the chart with the red arrow marking the reversal bar and the up-sloping green line as the reaction line and target objective The euro dropped down to the down-sloping median line before undergoing a short-term 3-bar corrective bounce between 8 30 a m and 836 a m The market remained inside the pitchfork and turned lower aft er testing the upper parallel line The euro continued lower until it reached the reaction line green line at 930 a m trading to a low of 1 2195 before turning higher This low formed one price bar before the predicted 9 33 a m reversal bar and proved to be the low of the downward price swing.2015 Traders Network All Rights Reserved. Please read the following Disclaimer carefully By using the tradersnetwork website and or The Reversal Tracker software, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this Disclaimer. This material has been prepared by a sales or trading employee or agent of Traders Network, LLC and is, or is in the nature of, a solicitation This material is not a research report prepared by Traders Network s Research Department By accepting this communication, you agree that you are an experienced user of the futures markets, capable of making independent trading decisions, and agree that you are not, and will not, rely solely on this communication in making trading decis ions. DISTRIBUTION IN SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY BE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF THIS COMMUNICATION INDIRECTLY SHOULD INFORM THEMSELVES ABOUT AND OBSERVE ANY SUCH PROHIBITION OR RESTRICTIONS TO THE EXTENT THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION INDIRECTLY AND SOLICITATIONS ARE PROHIBITED IN YOUR JURISDICTION WITHOUT REGISTRATION, THE MARKET COMMENTARY IN THIS COMMUNICATION SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED A SOLICITATION. The risk of loss in trading futures and or options is substantial and each investor and or trader must consider whether this is a suitable investment Past performance, whether actual or indicated by simulated historical tests of strategies, is not indicative of future results Trading advice is based on information taken from trades and statistical services and other sources that Traders Network LLC believes are reliable We do not guarantee that such information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such Trading advice reflects our good faith judgment at a specific time and is subject to change without notice There is no guarantee that the advice we give will result in profitable trades. HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM. ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS IS THAT THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK, AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK IN ACTUAL TRADING FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ALSO ADV ERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS. For additional information, please review the CFTC Consumer Advisory on Trading Systems. Colorado Web Design by Madwire Media. Systematic trading strategies pdf 60 Seconds Binary Options Trading garageautofix nl. 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Published volume from spread and investment strategies thrived during the objective of them to trading strategies systematic trading and badla strategies pdf file using systematic, we will have it can raise, and confidence Document i trading Singal ankam partners How to start your existing portfolio See exhibit i design and strategies but and On systematic trading. Day Trading Techniques The Type of Thing that Works. Day trading techniques can essentially be categorized into three main types. Trend Following Strategy. Trend Fading Strategy. Using each of these day trading secrets involves reading and interpreting emini trade price movement charts together with multiple popular technical indicators The objective is to establish a high probability that the price of the E-mini is going to move at least x points in a given direction Based on this expectation the trader sets up a buy or sell order to enter a trade at a certain price, exit at another price for a gain, and protects the trade with a stop loss order for instances where the wrong view is taken. A prerequisite for successfully using these techniques is that you study the history of the preceding trading days for the emini you are trading to establish the average daily range of prices The highs and lows and the distance between them on average will give you the parameters inside which you can potentially make a profit on a given move in prices. The Complete Day Trading Home Study Course Download Version discounted price. Trend Following D ay Trading Technique. Use this strategy when the market is trending strongly in an up or down direction The day trading tip here is to recognize the strong breakout and place an order to buy or sell at a specific point and then place an order to close that position for a gain at a predetermined exit point The predetermined exit point is set at an acceptable profit target, but inside the probable range where the price will reach a high or low and start turning again This is takes the emotion out of the trade having set a mechanically executing exit point. Trend-Fading Day Trading Technique Use this strategy when the market has moved significantly beyond its normal range This is related to a concept called exhaustion which sometimes occurs when a security has been in high demand, resulting in bidding the price up repeatedly until the buyers are all fulfilled, followed by a sudden fall in price as buying ceases The underlying rule supporting the trend-fading concept is that prices tend to r eturn to their mean, thus causing peaks to turn down and troughs to turn up Capitalizing on the trend-fading will seek to predict the moments when the price is turning back towards the mean and profit from a part of that move. Ping-Pong Strategy Use this strategy when the market is moving sideways When there is no strong price trend, the emini tends to trade in a narrow range, with a small price difference between the upper and lower limits The Ping-Pong technique studies the range and uses the predictable move from down to up, and up to down scalping a small profit from each move. Several tested and proven strategies are taught in the The Day Trading Home Study Course. Typical indicators used to assist in interpreting the price action for all of these strategies are. LINES - Sloping lines drawn to join lows or highs thus indicating a trend up or down Horizontal lines drawn between common lows indicating support levels, and lines drawn between common highs indicating resistance levels. MACD a momentum indicator watch this for evidence of divergence Divergence is where the MACD indicator is showing a trend opposite to that of the actual price trend For example where the price is going up implying strong demand but the MACD shows a weakening of momentum, the trader can expect an imminent reversal of the upward trend Graphic from The Complete Guide to Day Trading Download it FREE. Moving Average Lines crossing this is basically the same as above and is often plotted on top of the MACD bar chart This uses two MA lines, one with a short frequency and one with a longer fre quency Where the one crosses the other usually indicates a change in the momentum direction Bollinger Bands these are indicators of upper and lower price bands, set on a basis of deviation from the moving average Using these bands it is possible to predict possible limits to price movements, and also to detect when a new trend is in the making as the Bollinger Band curves up or down, away from the established pattern Another telling characteristic of Bollinger Bands is a that a breakout in price movement is often preceded by a pinching of the bands closer together, indication an imminent breakout Graphic from The Complete Guide to Day Trading Download it FREE. Volume is the most common and dependable indicator because increases in volume imply excess-demand or excess-supply, which are the ingredients for sharper volatility, and an opportunity to gain from the price move. Directions on how to use trade E-minis successfully can be learned in detail, step by step from the Day trading E-mini Day Trading Home Study Course For more details on what the Home Study Course covers, check out our post Emini education Day Trading Class and Day Trading Seminars. Start Now FREE education. 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HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS IS THAT THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK, AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK IN ACTUAL TRADING FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ALSO ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS PERFORMANCE POSTED BY SYSTEM PROVIDERS MAY HAVE HAD LITTLE OR NO EXPERIENCE IN TRADING ACTUAL ACCOUNTS FOR ITSELF OR FOR CUSTOMERS BECAUSE THERE ARE NO ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS TO COMPARE TO THE HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS CUSTOMERS SHOULD BE PARTICULARLY WARY OF PLACING UNDUE RELIANCE ON THESE HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS. 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Volatility breakout systems are based on the premise that if the market moves a certain percentage from a previous price level, the odds favor some continuation of the move This continuation might only last one day, or go just a little bit beyond the original entry price, but this is still enough of a profit to play for A trader must be sati sfied with whatever the market is willing to give. With a breakout system, a trade is always taken in the direction that the market is moving at the time It is usually entered via a buy or sell stop The bit of continuation that we are playing for is based on the principle that momentum tends to precede price There is also another principle of price behavior that is at work to create trading opportunities That is, the market tends to alternate between a period of equilibrium balance between the supply and demand forces and a state of disequilibrium This imbalance between supply and demand causes range expansion, the market seeking a new level , and this is what causes us to enter a trade. There are several ways to create short-term volatility breakout systems I have found that different types of systems based on range expansion test out quite similarly Therefore, whichever method you choose should be a matter for your own personal preference. In designing a system, one can choose to place an entry stop off either the opening price or the previous days closing price This entry stop can be a function of the previous days range or a percentage of the previous 2 10-day range, etc Mechanical exits can range from using a fixed objective level to using a time function such as the next days open or close Most of these systems function best when a very wide stop is used. Another way of trading the breakout mode is by using channel breakouts which is simply buying the highest high of the last seven days in the case of a 7-period channel or the highest high of the last 2 days in the case of a 2-period channel breakout In the case of an inside day breakout pattern where one buys the high or sells the low of the previous bar, a 1-period channel breakout is actually being used for the trigger The most famous long-term breakout system adapted by Richard Dennis for training the Turtles was the 4-week channel breakout originally designed by Richard Donchian Other breakout systems can be based on chart patterns i e Curtis Arnolds Pattern Probability System , trendline breaks, breakouts above or below a band or envelope of prices, or variations of simple range expansion functions. Training Benefits for the Novice Trader Derived from Trading a Volatility Breakout System. Trading a short-term breakout system can be one of the best exercises to improve your trading. First, it teaches you to do things that are hard to do buying high or selling low in a fast moving market For most people, this feels quite unnatural. Second, it always provides a defined money management stop once a trade is entered Not adhering to a defined money management stop is the most common cause of failure among traders. Third, it teaches a trader the importance of follow-through once a trade is entered, as most breakout systems perform best when the trade is held overnight. Last, it provides a great means for traders to improve their execution skills Most volatility breakout systems are fairly active compa red to a long-term trend following system A trader can gain skill in placing orders in a diverse number of markets Having a mechanically defined entry point is sometimes just the thing needed to overcome a traders fear of pulling the trigger The order is placed ahead of time and the market then automatically pulls the trader into a trade if the stop level is hit. Even if a person prefers to ultimately enter orders using discretion, trading a mechanical volatility breakout system can still be an invaluable exercise It should at least increase a traders awareness of certain types of price behavior in the marketplace, especially if one is conditioned to entering on counter-trend retracement patterns It cant but help impress upon one the power of a true trend day. Pros and Cons of Trading a Breakout System. Like most systems, volatility breakout systems will clean up in volatile or runaway markets but tend to thrash when conditions get choppy or volume dries up I believe they are still among the most profitable type of system to trade, and I also feel they will continue to be profitable in the long run They are durable and robust, though they tend to deteriorate when too large of an order is placed i e greater than 50 contracts However, so that you do not get the impression that there is a Holy Grail of systems, the following considerations should be kept in mind. Entries can be nerve-racking, especially when the market is in a runaway mode The best breakouts wont give you retracements to enter on You are either on board or you are not If you conceptualize that the best breakouts turn into trend days, and are most likely to close on the high or low for the day, then it is not so difficult to enter Usually it is best to have a buy sell stop already resting in the marketplace. Sometimes a market gaps open outside your initial entry level These often turn into the best trades They can also turn into the most aggravating whipsaws Big gaps test out that one should still take the trade, but they will definitely add more volatility to your bottom line If your trade gets stopped out and an new signal is given in the opposite direction, this reversing trade usually more than makes up for the first loss. Whipsaws are a drag but they are also inevitable when trading a breakout system Many times I have bought the highs and sold the lows It takes a great deal of confidence in the numbers to trade this type of system System testing should always be done for a minimum of 3 years, preferably 10 Be sure to then examine out of sample data to see how the system performed. On balance, a volatility breakout system can be traded on most all markets However, a market might be very profitable one year and yet perform mediocre at best the next A portfolio of 10 to 12 markets seems to work well The problem with trying to trade too many markets at once is that it can become quite difficult to keep up with the activity level if your parameters are fairly sensitive Many times in system s development, people overlook what one person can realistically manage. Enhancing a Basic Volatility Breakout System. Adding filters can sometimes create further enhancements Examples of types of filters include indicators to determine whether or not a market is in a trending condition, seasonality, days of the week, or degree of volatility contraction already present in the market Periods of low volatility in the market can be defined by a contraction in true range, a low ADX, or a statistical indicator such as a low historical volatility ratio or a low standard deviation. A system then might look something like this. Initial volatility condition true. Buy or Sell on a stop based on the current bars open, plus or minus a percentage of the previous days range. Initial Risk management stops once a trade is entered. Types of variables which can be used in a simple range expansion breakout system. Period is the breakout based on a function of the previous day or the previous 10-day period, for e xample. Range does it use the average range for that period or the largest, smallest, or total range. Percentage what percentage of the range is used It is possible, for example, to use 120 of the previous 3-days total range. Base is the range function added to the previous days close or the current days open This function may also be added to the high or low of the previous bar or a previous period such as the last 10 days. As a general rule of thumb, the greater the percentage factor used, the greater the percentage of winning trades will be However, the overall system may be less profitable because fewer trades are taken. Once again, an example of an initial condition might be Enter a trade only on a day following the narrowest range of the last 7 days Or, take a trade only if the market has made a new 20-day high or low within the last five trading days Whenever you add a filter to a system, be sure to compare the results to a baseline and examine the difference in activity level. Time b ased 2nd days close, 1st days opening. First profitable opening Larry Williams. Target or objective level 1 average true range, previous days high low. Trailing stop displaced moving average, parabolic, 2-day high low. Controllable Risk the amount of risk which can be predetermined and defined by a money management stop. Types of money management stops. fixed dollar amount. function of average true range. price level i e bar high low. Overnight exposure close to open risk You cannot exit a position when the market is not trading Thus, you are subject to adverse gaps, which can be exaggerated by news or events. Slippage risk Fast market conditions or thin, volatile markets often cause a trader to get filled at prices much worse than expected. In general, the numbers behind most systems are very dependent upon capturing a few good trades You cant afford to miss the one good trade that can make your month. Here are some tips for trading this or any other system. Gain confidence by first trading a syst em on paper. Make sure you can successfully trade a system mechanically before attempting to add any discretion. Track your actual performance against the mechanical system at the end of each day, rating your success by whether you can match the systems performance. Monitor performance over an adequate sample, perhaps 100 trades or a set number of weeks Do not let a down week or trade deter you. Manage the exits rather than filter the entries It is impossible to tell in advance which trades will be the good ones The one entry skipped might be the BIG ONE, and one cant afford to miss it Managing the exit means two things The first, learn when its okay to let that occasional great trade run an extra hour or two before getting out the second which really depends on ones skill level , learn to recognize a bit sooner when a trade is not working and exit just before the stop is hit. All systems display subtle nuances and insights into the markets behavior over time. Keep a notebook of your observa tions and patterns you notice In this way you truly make the system your own. Never be concerned about how many other people are trading systems If slippage seems excessive, it often suggests a significant breakout from a triangle or period of congestion Remember Something had to drive the market far enough to penetrate the breakout point in the first place. If you are interested in reading more on the principle of range expansion range contraction, Toby Crable pioneered some of the finest research in this area I would strongly recommend his book Day Trading with Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakouts The research in this book provides one of the most solid platforms for developing volatility breakout systems based off the opening price Toby is a CTA who now manages over 100 million dollars based on some of these techniques Another excellent value is Curtis Arnolds book, PPS Trading System He discloses a different type of system based on breakouts of traditional chart patt erns as identified in Edwards and Magees book Technical Analysis of Stock Trends another classic book which should be in every serious market technicians library Curtiss original system sold for over 2,000 The book is essentially the same thing and sells for less 50.Next-Generation Learning Content Strategies. By Chris Osborn, VP, Marketing, BizLibrary. You might call it a perfect storm Others might use a different term, but in the end, the term is immaterial We all have to deal with the broad social influences converging on our workplaces affecting employee learning and development In some respects, employee learning and development has never been more important given this current climate some commentators describe as VUCA, which means volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. For generations, employee training programs had a clear focus We helped employees improve skills to solve known problems But something foundational has changed In today s VUCA world, we need a different focus fo r employee development We need a different approach to employee development that enables employees to learn new skills and help our organizations become more agile and adaptable. A critical element of effective employee learning in such a world will be a next generation of learning content strategies Traditional approaches to learning content are perfectly suited to an environment where improving skills to solve known problems is the strategic objective But an analysis conducted by LinkedIn of some of the most in demand jobs reveals something that tells an interesting story. After looking at 259 million LinkedIn profiles, eight of the 10 job titles with the fastest growth since 2008 are. IOS Developer 142x growth. Android Developer 199x. Social Media Intern 174x. Data Scientist 30x. UI UX Designer 22x. Big Data Architect 3,360x. Cloud Services Specialist 17x. Digital Marketing Specialist 17x. The other two were both fitness related. So today s employee learning and development initiatives need to shift from preparing employees to solve known problems, to preparing employees to fill jobs that don t exist yet. How do we do that We start with content No learning or development can occur unless we deliver content to employees, but we have to rethink learning content if we are going to shift the strategic focus of employee development to reflect the broad influences of demographics, technology, behaviors, and future needs of both employees and the organization. Three Elements of a Next-Generation of Learning Content Strategy. Content Definition Let s start with a new definition of content Content can be anything that answers a question an employee might ask that can improve or influence performance. Curation Content needs a structure to be effective Curation is about providing context so the content employees need is usable, accessible, and can be applied in the moment of need. Delivery Employee performance cannot be improved without content, but the content must be delivered to employee s to be effective The delivery of content, therefore, must be a key part of any effective content strategy and must take into account how employees access information. A traditional approach to defining content would restrict content to learning objects generated by the organization, usually the Training or HR department, and delivered to employees via formal training, either a classroom or an online course Other content might be from third-party vendors such as online courses or seminars conducted by outside subject matter experts At the core of a traditional definition of content is the idea that content is what the organization deems it to be. That s fine, as far as it goes But learning professionals have known for quite some time that employees learn most of what they need to know to effectively perform their jobs informally or socially The 70-20-10 or 80-20 theories of social and informal learning long have dominated thought leadership in the industry, but traditional learning conte nt strategies did not adequately address this reality In fact, many traditional learning professionals tried to formalize informal learning. A far more effective approach is to simply accept reality Social and informal learning are real, and our employees already are engaged Additionally, employees already are accessing content on their own, when they need it, and on their own mobile devices, too To employees, it doesn t matter where useful content originates If it s useful, it s well, it s used To employees, learning content is anything that helps them in the moment of need This practical, real-world approach to learning content is exactly what we as learning professionals have to adopt, and we have to adapt our content strategies accordingly. This leads us directly to consider the second key element of the next generation of learning content strategies content curation If we accept that content can be anything, then we also have to accept that this definition creates risks and can be a little scary What if employees access content that is inaccurate or not vetted by subject matter experts This is why we have to have an effective strategic plan in place to organize content and provide a context for employees Guiding our employees to great content will become an important role for learning professionals in this evolving environment Curation of content, therefore, is crucial If content is king, context is queen. The third and final element of the next generation of content strategies is delivery Since we ve broadened the definition of content, and recognized that content is king and context is queen, it follows that we must have a platform to deliver this organized and collected content to employees What s happening in the market in this specific area is amazing The technology advances in social sharing and social media-inspired learning platforms and mobile delivery continue unabated As we see more and more employees using tablets and smart phones for work-related purp oses, it s important that our learning content strategies give employees something useful that delivers content straight to those devices Our employees are already there The real question we have to ask ourselves is, Why aren t we Mobile delivery of effectively organized content will be effective and important for the next generation of learning organizations, and will be central to the next generation of learning content strategies. Chris Osborn is the VP of Marketing and has served in that capacity for BizLibrary since August 2010 BizLibrary bizlibrary is an online learning solutions provider specializing is the delivery of high-impact online video and e-learning content, plus an award-winning learning platform. Spread Betting Strategies Moving Averages. For technical traders, one of the most commonly used indicators for both long - and short-term timeframes is the moving average Moving averages are easy to plot on spread betting charts and actually form the basis for many other commonl y used indicators Traders can give themselves an edge by watching this data in its purest form. Another benefit of using moving averages as part of a spread betting strategy is that the calculation used to plot these lines lacks subjectivity This provides a stark contrast to chart patterns, which are almost totally subjective and will show subtle differences from trader to trader Even when computer software is used to plot chart patterns, the results can be mixed because the criteria for the software application will still need to be defined by individual traders and there will always be some level of disagreement. This, however, is not the case with moving averages because of the nature of the individual calculations More specifically, a moving average will add all of the price values taken over a given time period and then divide the total by the number of intervals For example, a 100-day moving average will add the price values of the 100 previous days, and then divide that total by 1 00 This divided value is then plotted on your chart and forms a sloped line against the actual price activity. Applying moving averages in your spread betting strategy. Next we need to identify specific spread betting strategies using moving averages Many probably most traders will use a combination of two or three moving averages to generate trading signals for position entries One situation occurs when a shorter-term moving average crosses above or below a longer-term moving average For example, if a 100-day moving average moves above the 200-day moving average, this would be an indication of bullish momentum, and you could establish a buy position The reverse, of course, would be true if the 100-day moving average crosses below the 200-day moving average. A similar spread betting strategy can be used when the price activity itself crosses above or below these averages Prices moving above the 100-day moving average would generate a buy signal Prices moving below the 100-day moving avera ge would generate a sell signal We can see that this strategy is very different from analysing chart patterns because these price breaks are essentially objective and will not be interpreted differently by individual spread betting traders. Use the strategy as you want. Introduction to Warrants. Warrants are traded via exchanges, and can be traded both short and long termparison Between Warrants and Options. Warrants are traded in the same manner as options, and use many of the same terms e g strike price, etc However, there are a couple of differences that need to be taken into account when trading warrants. Like options, warrants give the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the underlying market, at any time up to the expiration US style warrants , or at the expiration European style warrants. Warrants are either call warrants or put warrants depending upon the direction of the underlying trade, and warrants are in profit or loss depending upon the underlying markets pric e in relation to the strike price. Unlike options, warrants are issued by securities companies e g brokerages, banks, etc , and can have differing contract specifications from one warrant to another such as the expiration date Warrants tend to have lower premiums, and therefore have higher leverage than options. Continue Reading Below. Warrant multipliers are also used slightly differently than options multipliers, and also from one type of warrant to another. Individual stock warrants give the warrant holder the right to buy or sell the underlying stock The amount of stock that is bought or sold is determined by the warrants multiplier For example, a stock warrant with a multiplier of 1 would entitle the holder to one share for each warrant, but a warrant with a multiplier of 0 01 would require one hundred warrants for one share. In order to determine how many warrants are required for a particular trade, the trader must divide the number of shares that they want to trade by the warrants m ultiplier For example, a trader that wanted to buy one hundred shares using warrants with a multiplier of 0 1 would need to buy one thousand call warrants calculated as 100 0 1 1000.Stock warrants are usually physically settled, meaning that the warrants are exchanged for the underlying stock when they expire. Stock Index Warrants. Stock index warrants give the warrant holder the right to buy or sell the underlying stock index However, as this is impossible stock indices cannot be traded directly , stock index warrants are settled in cash The amount of cash that is settled is determined by the warrants multiplier For example, a stock index warrant with a multiplier of 1 would entitle the holder to 1 or , or etc per stock index point above or below the strike price. In order to determine how many warrants are required for a particular trade, the trade must divide the point value that they want to trade by the warrants multiplier For example, a trader that wanted to trade the FTSE 100 with a point value of 10 using warrants with a multiplier of 0 01, would need to trade one thousand warrants calculated as 10 0 01 1000.The contract specifications for warrants are similar to the contract specifications for options, but some of the specifications can vary from one warrant to another even with the same underlying market The expiration date and the multiplier are the most likely to vary, but there may also be minimum trading sizes e g a minimum of 100 warrants. When warrants are traded short term e g day and swing trading , a trade is entered by buying either a call or a put, and then exited by selling the same call or put The profit or loss of a short term trade is the difference between the buying and selling price of the warrant multiplied by the number of warrants that were traded. When warrants are traded long term i e position trading , a trade is entered by buying either a call or a put, and then exited by exercising the warrant at any time for US style warrants, and whe n the warrant expires for European style warrants The profit or loss of a long term trade is the difference between the warrants strike price and the underlying markets price multiplied by the number of shares for stock warrants or the point value for stock index warrants. November 11-12 2013.Apply to present. The Forex Magnates Elevator Pitch is the peak of the Forex Magnates London Summit Following last year s success get a glimpse here , this year s event is geared up to host a leading group of innovative and ground breaking companies The competition includes a 3 minute pitch on stage, with an audience containing a huge roster of the industry s leading senior management, as well as coveted banks, investment groups and venture capital funds as well as online and tv media coverage An award for the winner will be presented immediately after the competition ends and as always - drawing a curious crowd As much as your product is an attraction - presentation skills are a huge advantage, so be prepared for a fast-paced, exciting and different pitch session like you ve never seen before. If you think your product should be on stage, and if you re able to burn the stage with an exciting presentation, we want you there. This strategy seeks to profit from the pricing of the embedded option in a convertible bond Often used is a long, convertible position with a corresponding short position in the underlying stock Varying degrees of leveraged are employed with this strategy. This strategy invests in illiquid debt and or equity of firms in or near bankruptcy in order to profit from a potential recovery Generally, no leverage is used. Investment in securities by businesses and or countries with developing economies is used in this strategy Some emerging market countries include Brazil, China, India, and Russia The major emerging market areas are Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim Various asset classes with different strategies are used. Market neutral strategies used are primarily arbitrage or hedging Both strategies aim at returns with low or no correlation to stocks. Arbitrage may be divided into merger arbitrage, relative value arbitrage, convertible arbitrage, fixed income arbitrage, and capital structure arbitrage Arbitrage strategies attempt to take advantage of price discrepancies between paired securities. Hedging involves investing in securities, both long and short, with the goal of low net market exposure Long positions that are undervalued and short positions that are overvalued are selected In theory, this mitigates market volatility. Market timing strategies switch among various asset classes to time price movements in different markets Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and money market funds are some of the asset classes used. Futures are financial contracts for buying or selling a financial or physical commodity e g currencies, stock indexes, heating oil at a future date Long and short futures contracts can act to hedge aspects of many fund portfolios High levels of leverage are often involved in futures. Hedge Long Short Long and short equity securities positions are taken in this strategy The overall portfolio may have either a long or a short bias Equity hedge long short relies on superior stock selection Typically, a low degree of leverage is used This strategy is one of the most popular in terms of the number of hedge funds and amount of money under management. This strategy aims to profit from price imbalances resulting from a specific event or transaction - for example, merger, hostile takeover, or leveraged buyout. An opportunistic, top-down approach is implemented by managers using this macroeconomic strategy Trades are based upon major changes in the global economy, including interest rates and currencies, as well as changes in the economic policies of specific countries Macro strategies use moderate amounts of leverage. The fund invests in other hedge funds rather than directly in stocks, bonds, or other secur ities Hedge funds utilized may be of similar strategies, such as equity hedge long short or the hedge funds employed may have different strategies Generally, funds of funds are less volatile than single manager funds. Barclay Trading Group, Ltd. Hedge Fund Research, Inc. Capital Management Partners, Inc.1100 North Fourth Street. Hedge funds invested in Special Purpose Acquisition Company SPAC typically have the mindset of voting against any transaction unless it s done at very attractive or below market terms After a SPAC signs a deal with the seller, it will approach its investors That often means issuing options to investors to cover their expenses evaluating the deal. Deal terms are often improved in shareholder s favor during this period. There is another way to improve economics on a deal - take out a share of the SPAC s management s equity Management teams typically put up 3-5 of the initial offering, and then get 15-20 equity stake - called the promote Hedge funds would have no issues asking the management team to give up half of the promote in exchange for approving the deal. If the deal cannot be improved any further, and there are still a few holdouts then the last resort option is to buy-out the NO votes SPAC would issue new equity to an existing holder to use it to repurchase investors who are voting no. Printer Friendly Version. Email this to a friend. Hedge Fund Styles. Here is a brief description of the most common hedge fund styles as provided by various Internet hedge fund performance reporting websites This list is not exhaustive as many hedge fund providers slice and dice the various funds in different ways when describing them In addition, new hedge funds are being developed all the time that expand the universe of valid style descriptions. Also known as the Special Situation or Special Opportunity strategy, this style seeks to capitalize on events that are expected to impact the price of a specific stock over a short period of time These events include corp orate restructurings, stock buybacks, bond upgrades, expected earnings surprises, et This style may also include sub-styles such as Distressed Securities and Risk Merger Arbitrage For Distressed Securities, the event is usually an impending reorganization or bankruptcy In a Risk Arbitrage sub-style, the manager, generally speaking, simultaneously buys stock in a company being acquired and sells short the stock of the acquirer As with any strategy that is based upon an expectation, an Event-Driven hedge fund can post significant losses if the actual outcome is different than that predicted by the funds manager. Fund of Funds. Just as the name implies, this is a hedge fund that invests in other hedge funds Diversification can be across styles by including funds with different strategies, or can be within a single strategy but spread among various hedge funds employing that strategy The advantage of the Fund of Funds is that it can allow investors access to highly successful managers whose minimums are too large for the individual investor to reach However, a disadvantage is that there is an extra layer of fees added on for the Fund of Funds manager over and above the management fees charged by the selected fund managers. As the name implies, this style involves investments in equities of many different countries Various sub-styles also exist for this category One sub-category is the International style, where primarily non-US securities are purchased based on global economic conditions Another sub-style is the Emerging Market fund, where investments are made in developing countries with less mature financial markets A final Global sub-style is the Regional Established fund, which focuses on opportunities in established markets, such as Europe or Japan. This is a style that is very near that of many mutual funds, in that it seeks to buy and hold securities hoping to take advantage of growth in their price The use of leverage makes this style more risky, so some practitione rs call this the Aggressive Growth style Stocks may be selected for this style based on fundamental analysis of the companys business, or through a technical analysis of the stocks price movements, or both As a practical matter, Long-Only funds may use short sales as a hedging technique from time to time. This is the classic opportunistic type of hedge fund made famous by such investors as George Soros Rather than seeking to profit from a move in a particular corporate security, the Macro short for macroeconomic style seeks to profit from shifts in global economic trends For example, this type of fund may be long or short in various international stock indexes and currencies, and at the same time attempting to take advantage of changes in the relative economic climates among countries The Macro style uses derivatives and leverage extensively, so the risk can be high if the markets perform differently than expected. This type of fund invests in listed financial and commodity futures marke ts and currency markets around the world While this type of fund is listed by some sources as a hedge fund strategy, I believe that there is a sufficient structural difference in these funds to merit their own category under Alternative Investments Therefore, this type of fund will be discussed in greater detail later on in my Alternative Investments series. This type of hedge fund tries to predict when to be in and out of the markets, switching among stocks, bonds, and cash, depending upon the current market environment and economic climate. Market Neutral. As I discussed briefly above, this is the classic form of the hedge fund, though variations of this theme have been created in the years since 1949 The goal of all truly Market Neutral hedge funds is to minimize the market risk inherent in securities by using short sales I say truly because there have been plenty of so-called market neutral hedge funds which were anything but neutral in the recent bear market In a Long Short strategy, the net exposure to the market is balanced by allocating equally to long and short positions, although this can vary from fund to fund There are also various Arbitrage strategies such as Convertible Arbitrage Risk Merger Arbitrage and Fixed Income Arbitrage In these strategies, the manager seeks to take advantage of temporary pricing inefficiencies in the market by trading a portfolio of carefully selected long and short positions As mentioned above, the Risk Merger Arbitrage style can also be classified as an Event-Driven strategy. As the name implies, this style describes a hedge fund whose manager uses various strategies and asset classes, depending upon current market conditions This provides the manager with complete flexibility, but also requires him to be a jack of all trades This style is similar, but not identical to the Several Strategies style, in which the manager employs various predetermined strategies to diversify his approach to the market The various strategies are emp loyed simultaneously in the fund, but allocations to each of the various styles can vary over time. In addition to the other strategies employed by hedge fund managers, some employ these strategies only within a defined sector of the market For example, a hedge fund may focus on financial services, or healthcare, or media communications or technology sectors of the market to the exclusion of all others. This style is the opposite of the Long-Only style, in that it only shorts the stocks of companies the manager feels are overvalued and ripe for a downward correction As with the Long-Only strategy, many funds are biased toward short positions, but may also hold long positions in some securities at times. This is a primarily equity-based style in which the manager seeks to find stocks that are undervalued based on the intrinsic worth of the business As a hedge, the manager may also take short positions in companies he feels are overvalued. Ten Strategies Hedge Funds Use to Make Huge Returns, and You Can Too. One of the main reasons that the ultra rich have become so enamored with the hedge fund industry over the years is their go anywhere, do anything approach to investing Hedge funds are not regulated in the same way that mutual funds, exchange trade funds ETFs and unit trusts are While they do make periodic filings of holdings, hedge funds within the United States are also subject to regulatory, reporting and record-keeping requirements Transparency is often avoided, as they do not want copycat trades or their strategies being used One thing is for sure, hedge funds have been known to use every legal and some not so legal trick in the book to generate alpha and outsized returns for their investors. The larger the return, often the bigger the fees We recently wrote about how the existing and changing hedge fund fee structures, the 2 management fee and 20 of performance is becoming a thing of the past Here are 10 of the top strategies used by hedge funds to generate returns for their clients.1 Leverage, or borrowed money, is more of a tactic than a strategy The use of leverage has been one of the best and worst tactics employed by hedge funds over the past 20 years When done right, and used in a reasonable manner, strong trading or investment returns are increased by the extra money that is put to work When done wrong, leverage can exacerbate a sell-off as the hedge fund receives margin calls and is forced to sell positions to meet them Some hedge funds have used leverage as high or higher than 100 to one In other words, for every dollar they manage, they borrow 100 That can be dangerous if the market turns against you, regardless of the asset class.2 Long Only is a strategy in which a hedge fund owns long positions in stocks and or other assets, basically looking for alpha to the upside to outperform their benchmarks If the SP 500 is a funds benchmark and is up 10 , and the hedge fund is up 15 , the extra 5 between the two is the alpha generated by the portfolio manager.3 Short Only is a very difficult strategy in which the hedge fund only sells stock short Portfolio managers running short only portfolios have been absolutely crushed over the past couple of years as the rising market tide has lifted most boats There have been solid fundamental shorts where the story had dramatically changed BlackBerry Ltd NASDAQ BBRY was a perfect example Once the undisputed leader in cell phones for business, the smartphone revolution crushed the demand, and the company is now seeking a buyer.4 Long Short is a strategy where the hedge fund is long or owns stock and also sells stock short In many cases the trades are called a pair-trade This is a trade where the fund matches stocks in the same sector For instance they would be long a semiconductor stock like Intel Corp NASDAQ INTC and short NVIDIA Corp NASDAQ NVDA This gives the hedge fund sector exposure on both sides of the trade A typical hedge fund exposure would be 70 long and 30 short for a net equity exposure of 40 70 30.5 Market Neutral is a strategy accomplished in two ways If there are equal amounts of investment in both long and short positions, the net exposure of the fund would be zero For example, if 50 of funds were invested long and 50 were invested short, the net exposure would be 0 and the gross exposure would be 100 The perfect market for this strategy is a grinding, sideways, trading market Huge moves up or down would tend to negate the other side.6 Relative Value Arbitrage is often a strategy used at hedge funds that trade debt A portfolio manager would buy two bonds with the same maturity and credit quality, but a different coupon, say one 5 and one 7 The 7 bond should trade at a premium to par while the 5 bond stays at or below par with the lower coupon The trade is selling the premium bond at say 1,050 and buying the par bond at 1,000 or less Ultimately the premium bond will mature at par as will the lower coupon bond The manager factors in the 2 coverage i n the coupon difference against the gain on the short of the premium bond.7 Equity Arbitrage funds typically look for takeovers, especially ones that are done with stock or stock and cash Recently Verizon Communications Inc NYSE VZ announced it was buying the remaining share of Verizon Wireless from Vodafone Group PLC NASDAQ VOD While there is a large amount of cash and debt involved for Verizon, there is also 609 billion in stock in the deal The portfolio manager would short the Verizon stock and go long or buy the Vodafone stock The thought is that the acquirer will trade down and the acquisition target trades up.8 Distressed Debt is a unique area that is a narrow and complex sector This strategy involves purchasing bonds that have lost a considerable amount of their value because of the companys financial instability or investor expectations that the company is in dire straits In other cases, a company may be coming out of bankruptcy and a hedge fund would be buying the low-priced b onds if their evaluation deems that the companys situation will improve enough to make their bonds more valuable The strategy can be very risky as many companies do not improve their situation, but at the same time, the securities are trading at such discounted values that the risk-adjusted returns can be very attractive Often the hedge funds will become involved with actually running the companies.9 Event-Driven funds strictly look for any item that can move the market up and down Many have computer programs that constantly scan world headlines looking for even five seconds of lead time A perfect example was on Friday Despite a less than stellar jobs number, the market opened up Within 15 minutes headlines were crossing that said Russian President Vladimir Putin would help the Syrian government if strikes were launched Immediately the market dropped more than 140 points on the headline If a fund quickly has that data and can short the SP 500 seconds in front of the news, it can make b ig money Often event-driven hedge funds are more big picture, like the ongoing Syrian situation and companies that may do business there or in the region.10 Quantitative hedge fund managers often employ computer programmers who comb the statistical models and data looking to find alpha that hide behind market abnormalities This can be exploited by super high-frequency trading programs that can buy and sell thousands of stocks or futures in an instant Unfortunately, quant computer programs do not always anticipate market commentary Some funds lost big back in the May to June bond market rout that was instigated by commentary by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke AHL, the 16 4 billion flagship fund of Man Group, the world s second-largest hedge fund by assets, lost more than 11 of its net asset value in two weeks alone during that sell-off as a result of its huge bond holdings, according to media reports. Hedge fund investing, long the financial playground for the rich may become more obtainable for investors Wall Street firms are putting hedge fund type product together that is being sold in mutual fund type packaging Every properly allocated portfolio should, if possible, have some capital carved out for alternative investments like hedge funds. How to Plan a Staff Training Program. A well-trained staff is an essential key to optimal performance for any business or organization, notes Inc Magazine Studies have shown that the most successful, productive employees are those who have received extensive training, reports Dun Bradstreet Therefore, planning and implementing an effective training program should be an essential goal for every organization But in order to be successful, it must be well-planned and well-executed For optimal results, adhere to a few strict guidelines, advises Inc. Other People Are Reading. Develop a strategic plan carefully aligned with the organizations long-term business goals, says Inc Key components, Inc adds, should include a training plan overview with practical checklists, a motivational element to foster enthusiastic participation, a formal process of implementation, and employee assessments and certificates-of-completion at the end of the program. Analyze your training needs Determine the type of training your staff needs and why For example, you might create a customer service training program to address poor performance by that department Or you might design one aimed at educating your sales force about a new product or service before it hits the market Inc provides a free training analysis tool that helps you outline objectives, determine the types of training youll deliver and manage expectations see Resources. Develop a budget For example, you might decide to retain an outside training firm to help you design and implement your program That will be more expensive than doing everything in-house, but in general it will deliver a more professional program based on specific expertise and experience But even if you do the program in-house, there will be costs such as employee and management time, materials and other resources. Decide who will run the program If possible, advises Inc appoint a training manager to oversee the current program and all future initiatives Make that person responsible for the development of a training strategy and implementation plan based on the organizations business objectives. Get management on board, counsels DB Although bottom-up enthusiasm from employees is important, so is top-down buy-in from management, notes Inc Once the training program has been developed, present it to management and get their formal approval including written approval of the budget. Start small, recommends DB Before deploying a full-scale program, across the entire organization or even an entire department, rehearse with a small group of employees so everyone is comfortable with the process and expected outcome Use preliminary benchmarking to identify shortcomings in the process and fix them bef ore formally launching the initiative. Measure results Without measurable results, its almost impossible to view training as anything but an expense, says DB Determine exactly how you will assess and quantify the return on a training investment For example, it might be improved customer service scores It could also be an improved closing ratio for field salespeople The key, notes DB, is to show real, tangible results Thats the only way a commitment to training can be maintained. Trading Strategy Questions FAQ. Show All Answers Hide All Answers. Can your strategies be used in an IRA account. Yes, all the portfolios we maintain may be traded in an IRA account through many brokers. Do your portfolios trade on margin. No The portfolios we maintain do not require the use of margin. What is the minimum amount required to trade. If you plan to mirror one of our portfolios or sign up for Auto-Trade with thinkorswim , the minimum amount varies between 2000 and 10,000 depending on which portfolio you cho ose and its current value. Under what type of market conditions do your strategies work. The majority of our portfolios are designed to make a profit in a flat or up market. Do your strategies make money in down markets. One of our portfolios, the 10K Bear was set up to provide protection in case of a lower market It is designed to make money in a flat or down market The other portfolios are designed to make money when the market stays flat or moves up slightly. Do you have a strategy that allows for monthly profit-taking. Cash withdrawals will be made from most portfolios in increments of 3 of starting portfolio value For example, for a portfolio with a starting value of 10,000, on the Monday following each monthly expiration, 300 will be taken out of the account if the account balance is over 10,300 If a gain of over 600 is made in a month and the portfolio balance is over 10,600, 600 will be removed that month The goal is to remove 3600 from the account over the course of a year and conti nue to maintain the 10,000 starting value. Where can I find a listing of your current positions. The latest positions for each portfolio are reported each week in the Saturday Report which may be found on our Insiders page. Will I receive notifications when you place trades in your portfolios. Our Basic and Premium members receive notification of all trades made in any of our current portfolios at the end of the day Premium members also may opt to receive real time alerts for the portfolio s of their choice. How many trade do you place each week month. This varies based on the portfolio, the movement of the underlying stock index, and the time of the month Most trades are made during expiration week, though trades are also placed whenever they are called for by our trading and adjustment rules. Do you use puts or calls in your portfolios. We use both puts and calls in our portfolios Some portfolios are set up to use either puts or calls exclusively, while others involve the use of both puts an d calls. How risky are your strategies. Options are leveraged investments and involve a higher degree of risk than most conventional investments otherwise, the high returns that we have enjoyed would not be possible However, since all of our strategies involve being both long and short options concurrently, we have some protection against the market moving in either direction, and since our long positions always have a longer life span than our short options, there will always be a residual value in our portfolios no matter what the market does i e it is not possible to lose the entire amount invested as long as you are mirroring one of the Terry s Tips portfolios. How do you manage risk. We have a well-defined set of Trading Rules to manage risk In addition, each week in the Saturday Report we publish a graph that shows the loss or gain that will result in each portfolio at the next expiration at a large range of possible underlying stock prices so that subscribers can visually see the ri sk profile of each portfolio on an ongoing basis. Terry s Tips Stock Options Trading Blog. November 9, 2015.How to Set Up a Pre-Earnings Announcement Options Strategy. One of the best times to set up an options strategy is just before a company announces earnings Today I would like to share our experience doing this last month with Facebook FB last month I hope you will read all the way through there is some important information there. Excel Wallet eWallet. 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Investing for beginners starts with an understanding that every price is determined by supply and demand At Online Trading Academy, we identify points where supply and demand are out of balance, because that is when price is going to move If there are more willing buyers than sellers the price will go up If there are more willing sellers, the price goes down It really is that simple and the same principle applies whether you are buying and selling stocks, bonds, real estate, options, currency pairs, commodities or another asset. On the Online Trading Academy website you ll find many articles and tools about investments and investing for beginners Read and use them to learn about the markets for these various assets It s a good idea to practice before you actually i nvest your own money Learn the basics of reading charts and other indicators, then pick an index or asset class or even an individual stock and follow it for a few hours, days or weeks See if you ve guessed right about where it is going to go or if not, why not. The first rule of investing for beginners is to have a trading plan Decide what you want to trade, your tolerance for risk, your profit goals, and how much time you can devote to following your investments every day or week or month The idea of day trading is exciting, for example, but it s impractical if you can t actually spend hours at the computer every day Be realistic about your own goals and limitations. The second rule of investing for beginners is to lose small, win big At Online Trading Academy we advise traders to insist on at least a 3 1 reward risk ratio on every potential trade That way, you don t have to hit a home run every time to be profitable in the markets You can even lose on more trades than you win, and sti ll come out ahead. There s much more to learn but these simple principles will get you off to a better start than many experienced investors and traders. Online Trading Academy Reviews from Pro Trader Graduates. Uploaded by Doris Richards on March 9, 2015 at 5 29 pm. Online Trading Academy Reviews from Pro Trader Graduates. See real teaching and trading occur inside a real Pro Trader class from Online Trading Academy You ll hear Online Trading Academy reviews from students as well as their experiences and testimonials on the principles and strategies necessary to be successful day traders. 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